Raid Bosses:
Raid Bosses are challenging fights that take a team of captains to defeat. They provide a ton of experience and the chance of acquiring high quality loot.
Raid Bosses are unlocked with 4 different Keys. Keys can drop from adventures in specific Locations, each yielding a different key. Adventures with higher energy costs have a higher chance of dropping a key.
Even with a large and dedicated team, it will often take several days to defeat a Raid Boss so you’ll want a team of at least 20 captains to help battle a Raid Boss. You can invite players through the Invite Tab on your Raid Boss page. Fortunately, players don’t have to be an armada member to be invited.
When fighting, you will want to keep a close watch on the Raid Health Bar, as the boss will deal a lot of damage whenever someone attacks it. When your group’s health is low you will do less damage and earn less experience per attack.
Loot is claimed when the Raid Boss is defeated. If the fight timer runs out before the Party can take it down, the Raid Boss will escape without dropping items.
Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2018