ok got new loyalty items in viking clan but this cant be right can it Alexandrite, Troll King [warrior] att 331 def 652, for 5500 loyalty points,.......Diamond, Pegasus Rider [warrior] att 331 def 652, for 5000 loyalty points
Here's the new loyalty items as of Oct 19, 2017: Alexandrite Drill Tank 642 275 Alexandrite 5500 LP Alexandrite Croc Cap 459 459 Alexandrite 5500 LP Alexandrite XM16 266 651 Alexandrite 5500 LP Diamond Mouth Guard 610 262 Diamond 5000 LP Diamond 60DS 436 435 Diamond 5000 LP Diamond Luxury Ride 253 619 Diamond 5000 LP Platinum Hellfire Launcher 413 413 Platinum 4500 LP Platinum Power Armor 578 248 Platinum 4500 LP Platinum Troop Carrier 239 586 Platinum 4500 LP Gold Jumpjets 213 521 Gold 4000 LP Gold Supersonic Bomber 367 367 Gold 4000 LP Gold Holdout SMG 514 220 Gold 4000 LP Silver Prestige Bike 53 130 Silver 250 LP Silver Padded Gloves 128 55 Silver 250 LP Silver Butterfly Knife 92 92 Silver 250 LP Bronze Launcher 27 65 Bronze 100 LP Bronze Beverage 64 28 Bronze 100 LP Bronze Lander 46 46 Bronze 100 LP