Yes, we all know, that a new location will give us almost nothing, as the workshops are almost useless, crafting 1000-1500 items for several months has the same effect like buying 5 - 10 new limited weapons, no one will notice the effect.
So a new location this summer, knowing Kano they will use Australian summer as their timeline, so new location sometime in December/January. Location after that is pencilled in for the 12th of When Hell Freezes Over.
Just received word that we are looking at a new Location this month (subject to change but looking pretty certain at this point).
Moon base came out 1 year ago. So in that time we have had only 1 new location, that really is hard to defend. Where is the new location? I want it now or I see some forum mods being listed
Thanks for the new place. LOL! We I get it, we are all in prison from all the pot smoking in Victoria!