On the edge of thick forest lies a magical land, seemingly untouched. The air is sweet and unmoving, the waterfall is silent though water crashes down. Something isn't quite right here, will you adventure further to find out what? Adventures and Empre now open for Vikings over level 16,175.
Seriously, a third boss with weapon drop? Maybe its time to make a break until the next location, or remove the game.
The next one is after 1 year what its mean we will continue hitting Marauder Fleet for warriors ? It really sounds like a bad joke!!!As for weapons enough good we get by raids!
what really matter is the stats of the drops.. we will complain about a warrior drop with no substancial enhancement to its stats (crafting as well)
Really you want to know? Warriors are much less (rare) whether it's for adventures,raid bosses,crates,limited items,boss drops,raid drops,challenges drops,battle drops and so on!!!
Looks like a troll from Skyrim with the third eye and pointed ears! cool seems to be a rather good depiction any way
grænt heimurinn is 2 separate words....its like if aliens called earth blueplanet, panetdirt, mudworld etc....
Forgive me for my ignorance but this is some kind of a fictional character grænt heimurinn ? It seems too fantastic as from cosmic saga I think that heroes from Norse Mythology not yet fully exhausted for example - Surtr -The Fire Giant, Garmr -the dog guardian of Hel's gate, Nott , Veðrfölnir, Valkyrie,Fafnir,Fjalar and Galar,Gandalf,and so on...
Hiya! This new location and boss don't follow Norse mythology, although I did draw inspiration from it when I was writing this location. We're scraping the bottom of the barrel for usable creatures and lands from Norse Mythology, so I tried to come up with some that followed the same ideas mythology but didn't actually come from Norse lore.
That was kind of the idea, since when we look back on mythology it's almost like we're aliens viewing a different world.
more like Green World, or Greenland?: https://translate.google.hu/#is/en/Graent Heimurinn And all those rings are Star gates?