[All] New idea section that you have provided for the community

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by JADES, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    OK 1st TY, 2nd is why do you close the original post for further discussion that some others might want to comment on? I'm referring to this thread that is being considered but no one else can give input on?


    Dan your quote= Ideas in this section have made it through the discussion process, and are being considered for implementation. This doesn't mean they will implemented, but that they no longer require additional discussion....

    I thought would still be able to discuss changes outside your new idea section.
    So cause might be a good/bad idea others can't comment?

    Dan your quote= As you can see, there are now three new sections in the Ideas section: Ideas Under Consideration, Ideas not currently being considered for implementation, and Implemented Ideas. Players will not be able to post any threads in any of these sections, however you will be able to comment on any open threads.

    How can anyone else comment? The thread is closed.

    Dan your quote= Hopefully this helps show our process a bit better, and give you all a better understanding of how we manage community-generated ideas.

    Well if so it's community oriented others that see the thread still can't comment, leave the thread alone and as we all know can't comment on your idea section. I'm not trying to blow this idea into the wind, but how can you take voices away totally on a new idea that has a possibility of getting added?
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    Sorry for the confusion Jades, none of those threads are actually closed, I'm just working out some kinks with the new sections. Commenting should be enabled later today when I figure it out.

    My original intention was to close threads in the considering section as we feel there's been sufficient discussion on them, however I can appreciate wanting the option. I'll leave most threads open, unless there really is no further need for discussion.

    Edit: Alright, posting should now be enabled in Considering and Not Considering.

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