i too (jon) had several players attack me everytime i came on the game when i was lower level, now i can beat them and they still come at me but in groups instead of by themselfs, they usually come with hitlists, punches, group attacks and draw other bounti hunters into it too, so what i do is kill everyone i can, and i use the same tactics they do, this protection thing may be a good feature for some but what it actually will do is stop a person from being able to protect himself from other members of the griefer syndicate
If you want to make it more fair, then stopping the amount of hitlists each person can do in one day on each person would work alot better. If a person cannot hitlists more than five times a day, the person being bullied or bounti hunted, has a chance to play the rest of the day under normal circumstances. as to people who attack me first, when they do they take the chance that i'm gonna attack them back with either everything they throw at me or whatever i can throw back at them. even if i get killed, i'll take as many as i can with me.
I've made it well known also if people dont want to be reattacked by me or killed, then to leave me alone and my crew, that if they attack us in any form of attack, i'm gonna kill them if i can. and yes i am one of the higher levels that will attack back and kill anyone who attacks me first if i can. I tok alot b of beatings to get up to where i am and to stop those same people from continuing to beat on me with woutme being able to kill them also. I had sevveral griefers on me also whilei was leveling, only four out of the dozens that used to attackme still attackme with their syndicates tothis day, while some may throw a few punches, i find that killing them severaltimes will eventually stop them until they decide to try it again.
I dont go too faroutof my way to go after someone, usually just the 24 hours tthat were set in place unless like i said , if they keep coming back at you then they are asking for the large amount fo attacks everyday. and yes my return attacks against allof them are usually alot more than the attacks they do to me simply becuz now i can beat them and i'll attack them until i either kill them orput them in the hospital, if they keep rehealing then they keep getting attacked for that round until they die. the only timei call for punch partys or hitlists is when they doi t to me, otherwise i just fight them myselfs
Last edited: Jul 13, 2012