Hi Susan,
I will try to answer this one for you, if I may. Over a year ago, I got chained for a few days. Up to 137 fights in one sit. This was about a level 400 at the time (can't really remember

) No idea how this person did it at that level, but by the by. I was the same level. As time went on, this player never seemed to level much but continued with the chaining. I continued to level. I ignored him after a time as it got tiresome. He then got it into his head, I presume, as I had levelled out of his range to bookmark me. That is the only way he could get at me. He then proceeded to hitlist, every single day. Then it got to two per day, then 3 per day. Over a year later and being hitlisted every single day, without fail, I have levelled to over 1100 and his is only just over 500. He lists the minute I go offline, so I am dead most of the time. Have no one to fight as no on can fight me and I have to rely on the fight list. Not good. Lately he has took to hitlisting constantly when I am online and trying to play the game. I am spending most of my time rigging and fighting him. Again not good, as 1 fight from me and he is dead. Boring. This has been going on daily for approx 14 months. This is not normal behaviour and not normal gameplay. This is what I find to be a bully and someone I should be able to put a stop to. My Synd have tried all ways to get rid of him, but he will not fight back ANY of them, only me, and not fight me as he will lose, so he just hitlists. People are starting to notice and comment about what is he up to, why and we got your back. Nothing works. He is like an obssessed maniac. Not a game player. I love a good fight, enjoy meeting people in the game and all that goes with it, but this person is determined he is going to spoil at all costs. I hope that explains to you what I consider to be a bully and why I whole heartedly agree with whatever Kano can come up with to get rid of people like the person I am talking about. I want to log into the game and see I have been attacked by people in my range, so I can fight back and have some fun, not log in to see I have been dead since I logged out and have no one to play with. In a game I have enjoyed for almost 3 years, I should not have to put up with some sad individual whose sole aim in life seems to be to spoil the very thing I enjoy most about Facebook.
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