One of the most requested features that comes through support is a way to block a player internally in game. Oh yes the infamous Blacklist feature, likely because it was implemented in the original Mob Wars and other games but also maybe because in some cases where there is a need, especially with the no-limit in pvp (5k attacks in a 24-hr period).
Back in June 2011 we were actually close to implementing the "Blacklist", players being able to Blacklist someone for Favor Points, max 1 Blacklist for x number of days. Anyways, long story short at that time we were being pressured for the wrong reasons to do it and at that time with other changes going on into the game we did not feel like that feature was a right fit so we pulled it and was never brought up to the community.
Today, with multiple examples of players going above and beyond just playing the game and griefing on players that are not retaliating back and have not engaged in other griefing behaviours in the past we are looking to introduce a feature that keeps the balance of the game in tact but can be a tool for a player to use if they are being over attacked by another player and have not engaged in similar behavior in the past AND are not blocking out the competition aspect of the game, for example a top 30 player in all of the game blocking someone.
Feature Synopsis
We are designing a feature that will allow players who are being excessively griefed to “Surrender” to their opponent which will block any form of an attack between these 2 players for a period of time. Ie: The Griefer cannot attack the Victim and the Victim cannot attack the Griefer.
What defines a “Griefer”?
A Griefer can fall into one of two categories: In-Range Griefer and Out of Range Griefer
- An “In-Range Griefer” is someone who Attacks/Punches a player within their XP range hundreds to thousands of times more than their opponent, basically preventing them from playing
- An “Out of Range Griefer” is someone who repeatedly places a player well below their XP range on the Hitlist a ton of times
- If the opponent themselves is found to be a Griefer, then a Griefer attacking a Griefer is all good and cancels each other out

Why create the ability to hide when this is a game about PvP?
While PvP is at the core of our games allowing some players to attempt to run others out of the game due to relentless attacks was never our intention. If a Griefer attacks a player thousands of times a day without much in retaliation they are negatively impacting the “victim”. Surrendering will force the “Griefer” to find a new target while a cooling off period between the 2 players persists.
What are the restrictions around Surrender?
- You can only set 1 or 2 surrenders at a time.
- The Surrender will last for (X days), right now we have a plan to test 5 days and go up or down from there
- Surrendering does not block attacks while you/they are on the Hitlist.
- You cannot Surrender to a player if you are in a War with their Faction/Syndicate/Guild/Armada.
- Surrendering cannot be undone and you will have to wait for it to expire to attack again.
- This is to stop abuse of surrendering on/off at will
- You cannot surrender if you yourself have been surrendered too, remember a griefer cannot surrender to a griefer, this will allow players to go after other players the good ole fashioned way
- Players fighting it out in the top 30 cannot surrender
I anticipate that there may be a lot of passion around this topic but that being said, please try to calmly present what issues you can foresee or are concerned about with a feature like this and let's talk through them.
Everyone be nice!
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