[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    As for this the 2 apps she plays are alot easier to level, and get the 500 free energy and it is alot easier than in zombie or lcn so in turn you have to take these apps in consideration. this is a general and Kirsten we are not talking to the pc and vc you are playing we are discussion all apps so please keep that in mind. LCN is alot harder once your up there to level and this is why we are asking for more the energy there sucks majorly. And something needs to be done if pc and vc dont want the change, dont whip it off the board for another app all in all each app is different in its own way. With it being one of the hardest to lvl it should be done like zombie slayer with the level requirement for upped energy per level and stamina also, but with this it dont need to be as low as in zombie either,
  2. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    thank you know you are seeing she post same stuff over and over and seems just to try to demean everything said she just wants to be top troll. Go thru and you see for raids she stated 1000 or more time i share my personelly dont go public she always says and does same stuff, she whines, its whining if you answer without a solution
  3. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    let him start new thread this will show them we want this if more than 1 person keeps it up why you wanna tell someone where to post his idea was different from the other one, why be so crucial
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    why are you replying to an old post?/
  5. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I have my opinion and you will have to deal with it. Besides VC is not easy to level .
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    hahaha top troll ??? while you go back and get old posts and comment on them, Yeah okay lol and if my opinion is different and most changes go across the board, I will chime in, and if you think my opinion holds any weight in getting things implemented or not, that is just silly.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    while you state your reasons over and Over , so I am not supposed to , i should just say Sure raise it , pfffft, You would be much better off begging kano to do what you want, rather than taking apart my posts and dissecting them, cause if you are gonna do it than I am gonna rebut you each time. Stick to your idea and don't worry about my opinion so much.
  8. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    really? exactly how many things have we "begged" for that we have actually gotten? i'm just waiting on the next home page idea that we have all apparently been asking for to be implemented next month...
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I was being sarcastic :p and I am waiting also,I think we might as well suck it up , though
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I myself can't WAIT until the next "improvement" that we all asked for is rolled out! :eek:
    Kirsten likes this.
  11. StoneCK

    StoneCK Active Member

    the only reason I believe an increase in the amount of stamina given when we level is that the xp required per level increases faster than the xp/action, so much so that leveling is slower and more tedious than ever. if i did 5k attacks (including power attacks) when i was at a much lower level, I might have gotten 10-15 levels, easy. Now I am lucky to get 3.5-4 levels for the same amount of actions. I agree that the raid shortcuts to leveling have impacted the game negatively in my opinion. Allowing a person to do unlimited attacks on a raid without offering the same benefit to someone that prefers to level by fighting is an unfair advantage, but my opinion matters nothing either. I thought that the limit to 5k attacks on any one mobster in 24 hours was put in place to prevent excessive leveling, yet it is encouraged in raids....makes no sense to me, other than Kano lining their pockets with raids. Perhaps an increase of xp given when someone wins a fight against another mobster would be another option, that might also somewhat level the playing field. after all, this is supposed to be a fighting game not a raid game.
    GOING TO CATCH DAVID and Kirsten like this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    It can't be better said than that.
    Kirsten likes this.
  13. ChewbaccaSW

    ChewbaccaSW Active Member

    If every level we get more stam, it will help to solve a major problem of the game : levelling is very long! And reaching some cities take ages.. If this could make it a little easier, it would be fantastic. Im sure some people stop playing because of this frustration.
  14. Gazzaaaa

    Gazzaaaa Active Member

    I think the stam reward for leveling was to be somehow based on the level achieved
  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    It is not supposed to be fast or a race cause when you get to the end there is nothing but whining about wanting new locations. The idea is to take the time to make your accounts strong and smart,not quick ,weak and then wonder why ya getting beat on.
  16. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    I believe the stam reward,(Percentage)if you mean the 7 day reward, or the weekly ones Mitch gives us, or the 24 hour one, is based on your actual stamina.So the more stamina you have the bigger the reward will be.
  17. StoneCK

    StoneCK Active Member

    No, its not a race. But all things are no longer equal. Raids have made extreme leveling based on the size of your credit card very much a reality. So why not make the xp per attack in an actual fight against another mobster more inline with the rest of the game so that people that want to level the old fashioned way can still compete. For example, a player could save his real cash until raids then level insanely while only doing minimum the rest of the month. Meanwhile the other people that play every day, toiling away at leveling by playing the game the way it was originally intended (its a fighting game after all) cannot compete. Drop the idea of more stam rewarded per level, and increase the xp for winning a fight.
    Kirsten likes this.
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes I understand, but again on the other hand new players do not have to spend a dime to level off of raids, in all 4 games, then they race to a Range they are ill equipped, a lot only play when there are raids , they are not serious players or a threat to anyone,especially for those that spent years building their accounts are still at an advantage, yes of course each game has a few who will spend spend spend money, and sky rocket, but when they get to where they end up ,they are in the same boat and prob not strong enough to take on those that have come before. Raids have made the games a race to the top now, I have seen it in two games , and it is incredible , it is hardly a fighting game anymore, so many who use to level with a partner now level with raids, both ways IMO ruined the games. Each game does get harder to level ,each on a different scale,according to the differences in what is needed to level. Raids caused this and it is a shame, a damn shame. I wish they were never implemented cause it is a slap to people who have played for years .

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Leveling with RAIDS in a lot of ways does make for stronger players than the old way of leveling with leveling partners. With RAIDS, doing as little as possible on as many as possible gives a lot of items. I am seeing players who are spending on both items and RAIDS get stronger and stronger all the time - I know from the fact they like to tap me here and there to test where they are all the time. And I can see them getting stronger.

    And as Stone said, "But all things are no longer equal". The real truth, it has never been equal. Some people have much bigger wallets and can stay say level 2000 but spend on Limited Quantity Items and be stronger than level 5000 players who spend very little. There are people who have only a couple hours to play a week while other players have 10 hours a day to play.

    And even the way Kano changes things regularly seems to benefit new players vs old players. New players can spend less than an older player spent because with the increasing stats on items, items purchased now far out do old items. Buying items three years ago for 30 fps each got you 170/60. Now the same 30 fps will get you 473/212. That is about 3 times what it was. So a player who spent $750 three year ago would find themselves possibly weaker against a person who spent $250 today.

    There is also the issue regarding new players or lower level players that love to bitch about people who level- yet they also love to bitch when the higher levels do not share the top bosses with them. While the lower levels were spending on items and the higher levels were spending on refills to level - the purpose of getting to those higher levels is the advantage of those higher bosses and job drops. But then higher levels share those high bosses, reducing their advantage and the lower levels brag about how tough they are compared to the higher levels. I know tons of players who are full of boss drops from cities they won't reach for another year.

    And responding to the comment about how leveling partners ruined the game????? Since the ORIGINAL mob wars on FB started in 2007 players have used leveling partners. There is no way to prevent that unless Kano made a limit of say 500 or 1000 attacks. And although the experience per stamina drops as you level, the rate for EVERY player doesn't seem to have changed for better or worse. A new player starting today and playing for one year could reasonably expect to experience the same play and exp per stamina as someone experienced who start three years on Kong and played for one year. Things like the BA, RAIDS, Calendars, increase in stats for fp items..... those are all things that have changed and made it different for what a player who starts today would experience between level 1 to 1000 vs what a player who started three years ago experienced from level 1 to 1000.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    That is really what is needed. I can understand it changing a little as you go up in levels - for example.... if it takes 300 stamina to level at level 200, you don't want it to still be 300 stamina to level at level 10,000. But to make it 4000 stamina is a bit ridiculous. (It takes 8,333 stamina approximately to do 5,000 attacks with power attacks). I remember being able to do 5000 attacks with a leveling partner and getting 15 levels. Now 5,000 attacks is 2 levels. That makes for a boring game and slow progress..... makes it not worth playing. And since Kano doesn't seem to be increasing the player base, I would think keeping players is important. (This is specific to Kong LCN since I don't know about the other platforms or games).
    StoneCK likes this.

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