[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    5 months is not a old thread IMO, go look at the "ideas to be implemented" and see how old those are :p
    Kirsten likes this.
  2. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    Thanks for bringing this back on topic. This is pretty much the point I was trying to make. This change would be more rewarding for the people that have been playing a long time and not give an unfair advantage to the newer players that everyone seems to feel have it too good already. I never saw anything in this thread about making it retro active and it was never a consideration in any of my responses.

    @JADES, most of us probably just saw a new thread and responded to it. How long do you estimate it would take me to go through and read every post on the forum? for me, 5 months is a long time. I was not here 5 months ago and i'm sure i'm not the only one so, we wouldn't have read the older post back then. again, i see no problem with bringing up an old topic from time to time to see if things have changed. could it have been done with a bump if the thread starter found the old thread? probably, but, it seems like this thread is a bit different. Idk i still haven't read the thread you posted about.
    GOING TO CATCH DAVID likes this.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    @JADES Sometimes, old ideas that didn't make sense at one time may make sense at another. This game has clearly evolved and in order to attract new players as well as retain old ones, sometimes things need to be changed, improved, whatever. There are also thousands of threads here. As much as we all may wish that everyone knew the content of every one to avoid a rehash, that's simply not a reasonable expectation.

    SERIOUSLY? Just in GENERAL DISCUSSIONS alone there is 29 pages of topics! And sometimes the title is not clear as to what it is exactly about. I have tried starting new conversations asking if anyone knows another thread that has the topic I am trying to introduce and I typically get a "I think so" but no one can tell me where it is. I would rather go to a previous thread where I can read already posted thoughts and ideas and maybe even find a KANO post with information to answer my questions. But this forum with so many platforms and games all combined into this one huge website can make it difficult to find my way around all the different posts.
  4. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Wait a second, didn't I just provide you with a link and explanation of the circumstances and you get lippy?
  5. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    I'm calling in hrt, this thread has been taken hostage and off track.

    Swifty wants more stam on level up. He was thinking doing it as a percentage of max stam makes sense. He's wondering if anyone else has some ideas about that.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    There are also thousands of threads here. As much as we all may wish that everyone knew the content of every one to avoid a rehash, that's simply not a reasonable expectation.

    In part I was agreeing with you on it not being a reasonable expectation- and as far as the link, I didn't start this thread and was referring to other threads I have started asking for information to possible other related threads which was ALSO making the point most players haven't a clue about the thousands of topics and threads that might be out there. But if you want "lippy" we could go that route.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    More stamina per level would be awesome. I think it should be increased by tiers and at certain levels, more stamina per level is awarded.
    graveyardgabby likes this.
  8. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Why are you talking 3rd person about yourself?
    The idea was set up on a curve, when I did the math l lvl 9k wouldn't have missed out on 3.62 million stamina.
    As Kristen stated "new players" already have the benefits of boosts, calendars that were not available to old players. So step back for a second and put yourself in the shoes of who paved the road for the game your playing, and think about it real hard.
    Kirsten likes this.
  9. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    huh? i'm not swifty, do you not see who is posting what? This thread has nothing to do at all with how things used to be back in the good old days. It has nothing to do with benefits too new players only that have it too good already. jhc! read first, look at who is posting, then stop trying to hijack a thread with all this bs.
  10. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Hijack thread? I gave a link and explanation, and I'm sure swifty is capable of replying for himself then. :p
  11. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    oh good for you! I'm so glad swifty is the only one that cares about keeping the thread on topic and finding out peoples opinions to his ideas. It's nice to have folks around that like to discourage sharing ideas and opinions about things on here. congrats, i'm no longer going to watch this one. mission accomplished yay!
  12. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    New players have alot of bells and whistles that have been added over the years since I started playing kano games, so enjoy what we have and appreciate what others who have come before have accomplished with or without all those and did well, with the 50 stamina each level.
  13. Gogolak

    Gogolak Active Member

    i think that the level up reward for BOTH energy and stamina should increase on a sliding scale as you level up, because your needs for them are greater, but that's just my humble opinion, and it's not going to happen anyway, so feel free to delete this post and forget that i said anything.
    Guardian Angel, WendelinR and Kirsten like this.
  14. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member


    I'm fairly certain, if put to a vote, the entire gamer base would agree that a higher amount of stamina needs to be paid back to players as they level. It has been 50 stam refill, per level gained, forever now. That's 2 1/2 boosted attacks on a boss worth. While not completely useless, more should be given once a player reaches lvl 1000 and higher. Perhaps a 5% of the players level?

  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Mitch is prob gone for the night and the weekend, Gatman
  16. GATMAN

    GATMAN Active Member

    Im gone for the night and weekend too :) HAPPY 4th of July.....Independence Day :)
  17. graveyardgabby

    graveyardgabby Active Member

    When this game was developed, 50 stam probably was a good reward for leveling up. I think it is fine for the lower levels to stay with that as I previously stated, however, people are now thousands and thousands of levels beyond when the game was developed. The developers probably didn't take that into consideration when they created this game and they certainly couldn't foresee the impact raids and other events have had. I agree, increase the stamina and perhaps energy as well for the higher levels on level up. While this change is not actually needed, it is certainly something that would probably be very well received and help the higher level players feel they are gaining a little more balance to all the lower levels that are now able to move up faster than they were able to.

    ps. I changed my mind. It's my prerogative :p
  18. AXXO

    AXXO Well-Known Member

    yup, I only get 50 stam per level up
  19. SwiftlyInnocent

    SwiftlyInnocent Active Member

    Lowering boost times might hurt the game and make it to easy to level but then again I aint complaining
  20. JARVIN

    JARVIN Active Member

    this is stupid. who brought up the idea of retroing anything? "when i started playing, we didn't have 5 day calendars, so i want all of the items and xp for all of the 5 day calendars i COULD have done." gee whiz, games evolve, everyone. while i appreciate the long-standing players still sticking around, they have advantages simply due to the fact that they have been playing for a long time. besides, what is proposed here would benefit ALL players, and the long-standing players would benefit more simply because they are higher levels than most. i really don't see why this would be an issue.

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