[LCN] More Stamina Per Leveling Up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SwiftlyInnocent, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. otty22

    otty22 Active Member

    So we'll wait, maybe we will have a surprise in the future and we'll get more stamina for every level passed..
  2. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    This should be normal so manny new things to do in game, new content and same lame, old stamina 50/level
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  3. Harrys Mum

    Harrys Mum Member

    it is the same with energy, 500 really doesn't do anything for the higher levels, it might give you three tries at your latest job if you are lucky, a little more when you level would really be useful to those over lvl 3000
    Miss Kitty Snaps likes this.
  4. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    I'm on board with both energy and stamina level rewards increasing as your level increases, but I have the distinct impression that this will never happen, and if it does we will be disappointed with how it was implemented.
    Kirsten likes this.
  5. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    way i took it from Mitch this kind of change can have big effects, they have tossed it around, way i think is that they want to change it but dont want to make to big of change and have to go back and lower it. Like they did with the raids when they came out, plus with raids controlling kano staff looks like there time is wrapped up there and all other areas are being neglected. Crafting, cities, etc. there is alot of area's needing focus. time for repeat raids for the next year and no new ones until all areas are caught up.
  6. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    It would be interesting, but this is just turning the whole game upside down after 6 years of game play, as the stamina and energy given at level up influenced how some allocated their skill points and how much some others spent on the game.

    Lots of players built more energy and more stamina than others and they are a lot weaker thanks to this, but if the next day Kano will change the refill after level up, then those players wasted lots of very valued skill points and they should have an option to reallocate their skill points, as now they are getting more energy and stamina for free.

    Another lots of players kept their stamina and energy low, and after that they have spent a fortune of refills to advance in the game, they should receive enough refunds to play for free for years after this change.
    Kirsten likes this.
  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    .. These last two statements are what I would be annoyed about ,if it happened.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Isn't this already the exact same argument that all of the players made who had most of their skills in DEFENSE for BA so they could hide in defense mode and place top 10 every time? When the BA changed to points and defense skills were less important and stamina became ideal along with Attack, nothing was offered to those players to reallocate or to adjust. There was not even a warning that the change was coming until they did it.

    As part of the reply above - Kano has never offered the opportunity to reallocate and this should be no different. I am one of the players who probably had more stamina than anyone for a long time as at one point of my game, I had close to 50% of my skills allocated to stamina. That was a choice and if the game changes, I have to adapt and change how I allocate. With almost 8,000 stamina, this change would still help me as it would mean less refills and more stamina I would use towards bosses or RAIDS (if I still participate in those).

    That argument has been made about Limited Quantity Items that people purchased for 30 fps 3 or 4 years ago that had the stats of 170/60. Now you can buy items that are like 480/210. There have been no refunds or credit for the older items. So it is no different now. You play the game as it is and adjust with the changes. It may suck but that is just how life is sometimes.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  9. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    You said it in a few word, adapt,to the status quo as it is now. it has worked fine for all these years, the way it is ,stamina has always been gold in these games, to lessen that by now giving more on leveling,negates us all who have gotten to where we are with 50 stam,per level up, status quo, is just fine,IMO I have upped my stamina in the last year ,so between boosts;weekly , daily,calendars etc ,and a few refills with FP's saved in between raids,it can be done.

    GOING TO CATCH DAVID Well-Known Member

    Since I barely level anymore, the change would actually hurt me as I did my leveling during my first three years of play without the help of raids. Even during the last year of RAIDS, I never had the money to utilize them as much as I wish I could have and my level was already too high when they were introduced that it was costly for each level.

    The only way it would be good for me is if they did it in a tier and if these tiers were not like new characters.... basically ending at level 2500 when I am over level 10,000. Since it takes me around 3500 or so stamina per level even when using a leveling partner, any "standard" increase in stamina per level would work to the advantage of lower level players and allow more lower level players to catch up without the same cost as it took me and other higher levels to get to where we are.
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  11. Guardian Angel

    Guardian Angel Active Member

    Not necesarly , they could give us more stamina acording to the level we are, for exemple level 0-1000 /50 stam, lvl 1000-2000/100 stam , lvl 2000 and up 200 stamina, 3000 and up/300 stamina, lvl 4000 and up/400 stamina, level 5000 and up 500 stamina, lvl 6000 /600 stam, lvl7000/700 stamina, lvl. 8000/800stam, lvl 9000/900stam, lvl10.000 / 1000 stam , lvl 11.000 1100 stam etc Since we accepted the new stuff in game (content and faetures) we also should get and accept new stamina tiers
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  12. Sir Opinion Alot

    Sir Opinion Alot Well-Known Member

    Excellent idea 2 thumbs up
  13. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    I agree with you - I'm level 2354 and when I level and get the 500 energy, I'm only able to do my highest job 4 times as the cost is 109 energy that means I have to wait for more - that only gives me 6,800 exp pts far cry from leveling off that.

    Not to get off the topic of the OP about stam, I would love to see a small increase, 50 stam isn't much in comparison to the 500 energy seems quite lopsided. If there was an increase in either, I think it should be at a milestone level such as entering a new city.

    Not to say that I'm not grateful for the daily stam/energy rewards or the daily boost from mob members
    Sir Opinion Alot likes this.
  14. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    LOL don't I know that - working on someone's boss to help out and not quite at that 100% and watching the stam clock tic till you get one more stam and hope it pushes you to 100%, if not watch the clock again! OMG I think I need a life!
  15. Miss Kitty Snaps

    Miss Kitty Snaps Active Member

    I admit I didn't read this whole thread like some of the others here did but I do like this idea and hope it gets implemented :)
  16. SwiftlyInnocent

    SwiftlyInnocent Active Member

    Lmao they pains of this problem!!!
  17. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    i actually agree with most of this. it is crazy to say that if this cannot be retroactive, it won't be put in place. if 50 stamina is useless to a level 1000 player, how do you think a level 5000 player (like myself) or higher feels? and i have also played for more than 3 years. i could care less if this is made retroactive, as long as future level up bonuses are tied to your level.
  18. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    i fail to see how this will make things more lopsided than they already are, and i'm for this, but as a player for more than 4 years i feel pretty confident that this simply is not going to happen.
    Kirsten likes this.
  19. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    To be honest I hope you are right :)
  20. bowberson

    bowberson Active Member

    Thanks Mitch for the update. Hopefully this change will happen!

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