[ZS] Mobile Challenges

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Smack, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    An update has been released to our Mobile version of Zombie Slayer today which enables all Carnival and Rocket Shooter Challenges to be completed via your mobile device. We plan to support the Death Deal and the Calendar challenges in the very near future so keep your eyes open for when that change arrives.

    Getting Started
    From the Adventures page you will now see 2 tabs, Adventures and Challenges. Click on Challenges to pull a list of those available to you.


    Play Area
    Instead of seeing rows of targets you will now just see one which represents the next Target available to Shoot. This behaves exactly the same way as the full web version with the exception of the scaled down interface.

    • Shoot Target - Shoot your next available target
    • Ask for Help - Send a request to your Squad to help earn you free Shots
    • Buy Shots - Buy more Shots in the store for UN Credits
    • Game Feed - View your feed for this Challenge instance
    • Payout List - View the Clear Bonus as well as the Single Hit Payouts available
    • How to Play - Overview of the rules to this challenge
    If you have any questions or feedback about Mobile Challenges please post it in this thread so we can address it.

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