Mob up

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by wtfrage360, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. wtfrage360

    wtfrage360 New Member

    Is there any way to get my mob members up? I'm struggling to get past 20 members and I can't find a large thread of people wanting just to get a bigger mob..I added everyone from the thread in this section and it's nowhere near enough..
  2. If you are playing on facebook there is an add me thread here.!/topic.php?uid=202971521216&topic=13041

    You can also check the people in your mob as they add new members playing mob wars. If someone posted a job help request then I would invite people on their feeds to join my mob..You can also use the in game request.. I would caution you on using that for members over level 325 since most over that level have the full 1000 you are allowed by that point. I personally do not care if I get that in game message to mob up.. It only bothers me if you send that message after you tried for my bounty..

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