message bug

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. sometimes when i get a new message,it doesnt show it.instead i have to keep checking messages every few minutes to see if someone left a new one or not.
  2. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Does the flag eventually show that you have a message or is it not showing any new messages that come to your inbox? Does this happen all of the time or for certain players?
  3. it sometimes and i mean sometimes shows up maybe 15 minutes later.its any message from any player clan or not.
  4. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

    Private messages should not take longer then 1 minute to be checked and received. If any extended lag continues can you send a message into support so that we can investigate further?

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