[VC] "Loading .... Not Working? Refresh this page." REDUX

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Kel the Merciful King, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. GwenTheWelshGal

    GwenTheWelshGal New Member

    I sometimes get that, although most of the time it's because of the internet connection being a bit iffy for me. It's lost me a bounty kill every now and then.
  2. Kel the Merciful King

    Kel the Merciful King Well-Known Member

    Can you not run 2 servers? this is ridiculous lag .. Again ... the whole week
  3. Jacob Mygind

    Jacob Mygind New Member

    We must buy more favor point so kano can afford an extra server ;-)
    Kel the Merciful King likes this.
  4. Brosnik

    Brosnik Active Member

    I think that possibly the server used is a factor as well. On IE 11 I get the 3-7 second lag same as everybody else (which cuts you out of bounty hunting etc., due to the lack of response) however on Edge I have not yet had it happen. Fingers crossed I guess as it does not mean it will not happen, just has not happened yet. Definitely every time I use IE and lots of times per play :mad:
  5. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    Maybe they are using the intra net vs internet?
  6. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

  7. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    Now its 22 sec to load a window 12:05 PM FB
  8. Tony Montana

    Tony Montana Well-Known Member

    22 try 45
  9. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    The operation timed out. 12:49 pm FB PT
  10. Backdoor Boo boo

    Backdoor Boo boo Active Member

    well iam running Norton and still have problems now and again dont know what the problem is.
    HJM likes this.
  11. Mystic

    Mystic Member

    I won't start a new thread ...
    Battle Arena tonight. Tried two different systems, and two different connections - one wireless and one plugged in. And - two different service providers.
    Lag is horrendous.
    Will restart systems yet again and come back in half an hour when I can return to battle, but right now, this party isn't much fun.
  12. Snowtiger

    Snowtiger Well-Known Member

    The lag has been outrageous at the start of this arena on both Facebook VC and also kp2 VC. I am about ready to throw in the towel. Everyone knows the points made at the start of the arena can make or break you when it comes to ranking well. When I have to hit a target several times for even 1 hit to go through, I don't see the point in continuing on.
  13. Mystic

    Mystic Member

    Cleared up some after 90 minutes (Server 2), so we will see.
  14. Snowtiger

    Snowtiger Well-Known Member

    90 minutes is around 89.999 minutes too long for any lag to be happening on events that deals out decent coins and FPs for a good ranking. I normally can hop back and forth between two platforms and get at the bare minimum of 300k points in the first 45 minutes on both. Once dead on FB, I went to kp2, and was going at a snails pace as far as reaching any normal amount of points I should have been able to get.
  15. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Thanks for the reports, I've added them to the tracking document I have for the network team. I'll be checking where we stand on this issue today.
  16. KurtDexter

    KurtDexter Member

    having a problem with my account in VC is like 4 seconds

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