Lets be perfectly clear on this "bug" which prevents active play by many, at the same time. For 3-7 seconds this lasts and this occurs frequently every day now. If it was just me, I would take my complaint to my ISP. It is just this game on FB or on KP. Either version, with tabs open or not, it happens.
Kano I am told is trying to find this problem as they can't experience it themselves: play harder from your accounts is my suggestion. Level with each other, pretend to bounty hunt, and list each other, ... you will find the refresh happens even on listing ... you can't even do that till the game "settles down" or what ever it is, goes away.
And with talk of a Kano sponsored bounty party, *you at Kano* should experience the loading issue right then too. PS list me all ya like. Actually list everyone all ya like. Don't miss anyone is all

Kill em all and by the time you try to do that, you will have experienced ... "Loading ... Not Working? Refresh this page."
I suggest when it occurs to players, they post the exact time with their report(s) and could use this thread to show this information.Click to expand...