Off the top of my head, my player is level 1766, has 1750 stam, 26k health, 1750 attack, 100 defense (

, 2000 energy, and under 200 clan.
To get through all the bosses takes approx 30 FP and might have a chance at netting me 10 levels. Im not going to drive myself nutto doing all the silly math, but I am to understand here that a "boss basher" is a player who can not only do math wise at least triple, but closer to six or more exp than me?? And battles arent part of the equation?
What do you do after the bosses are defeated? Wait 48 hours? And still dust my best?
Are players walking around with 6000 stamina (I could clear my bosses with 6k stam, but would have no att, def, etc? How many FPs would be left?
It has yet to be explained how bosses magically appear whenever you need them for 100s of levels at a time.
It has yet to be explained how the boss attack benefits (@ level 1760 I can get tortuga turtle to up 1100 exp with a power attack. Does a Boss basher get 20k exp from a power hit? ) in regards to exp. Bosses are a small part of my game, something I spend ten minutes on every 2 days, get 10 levels or less, and go back to battle.
I can only imagine the poster was asking for some evidence of what works and what doesnt, whats fast... Battle levelers point to EXP per fight, stamina sets, FPs, loops, etc.... "Boss Bashers" say: our way is better. No numbers, no examples, no nothing.
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