level 2000

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, Nov 30, 2010.


At level 2000 should.....

  1. there be no protection including counters

  2. anyone can attack but leave counters(10)

  3. anyone can attack but leave counters(5)

  4. keep it as is

  1. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Counter Attacks: 7,194

    I wanna hit 10k counters, so I vote in favor of counters attacks but open field to all :D
  2. well thank you mr Legend.

    All hail Eddie the legend:D
  3. more votes needed.

    and im only slightly over lvl 2000 in viking and this would be a nice idea.

    pirates im #3 rank but cant beat the #1.id open myself up if this happened but it still should
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
  4. 4 say keep it as is and 4 say open em up

    anyone else
  5. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    Open it up (5). We win! lol
  6. Eric Maximus

    Eric Maximus Member

    Wtf? I voted for "anyone can attack but leave counters(10)".. but it registered as "leave as is". I quit, lol
  7. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    As I am rather close to Level 2000, I vote for the abolishing of counters. I won't get the Counter Attack achievement, but well, I never really bothered with them. Mostly did singular counters on annoying people.

    If you, by Level 2000, haven't learned to deal with losing battles or fending off people, well, play YoVille. Also, it would open the field for Higher players who can then find more rivals. Of course, the smaller players getting stomped will cry "Unfair!" but well, I would level into the Shark Pond.

    If you're playing Castle Age, then you might know this feature. If you're above Level 80 on MySpace, anyone can attack you. From Level 80 to Open End. I don't know where this starts on FB.

    And I'm sure many people would love to stomp smaller rivals that only attack them when they're offline.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    i agree that once u reach a certain level there is no longer a need to be protected. I do how ever think that counter attacks should remain, in fact...I think the number of counters should be increased overall but limited to a certain number per individual they r placed on.

    Since the onset of guild play...it has been much easier for groups of players to communicate with each other all at once making it very easy for large numbers of people to gang up on one particular player....the counter limits make it very difficult if not impossible for a player to protect themselves from such gang tactics.

    Ive had the unique experience to have played on both ends of this spectrum legally (at the 5k + level and currently at 2500+ level) and dont see any reason why there is any need for additional protection.
  9. :eek::eek::eek: agreed H u h ?
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    It would be really great if beyond Level 2000 everyone was fair game.

    Castle Age has it at Level 300 (which takes about the same amount of time as Level 2000 on Viking Clan) and it's called the Gauntlet. Reach it, and you're fair game for anyone. Level 300 as well as the Level 1000, Level 2000 and Level 3000 guys. Level 3000 on Castle Age should be the same as Level 10.000 on Viking Clan.

    And no, why bother with counters? I am on the receiving end of them very often. Often enough by weak players that have no hope to win, but hide behind walls of counters. And they kill me with Axe Slaps when I'm off. So I see absolutely no reason to give them any protection. Let them bleed and die. If you built your stats wrong by Level 2000 and wasted hundreds of FP's on weapons, then you're out of luck.

    No mercy for the fools.

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