NICE. Keep the calenders coming. The Cupid one, was awesome. 3 times, in one day. [TF] L1LOne Level 1304 Butcher Joined 602 days ago
Deltan forgot to say if it's supposed to be online noon his local time, or noon GMT. Since it's no where this morning, I'm guessing they mean noon February 28th, PST...which is GMT-8. (or UTC-8) It would be good for KANO to include that information in the future. (hint hint)
Look Deltans' first post You see where it says Starting Feb 28th @ 12.00PM thank that may be a subtle clue!
most ppl read the text of the post. not the images. and i'm thinking that PST was added..I dont' remember seeing that originally. but...since there are so many people who can't see the images (phones, firewals that turn them off from various places (like schools)) might be nice to reiterate is in the txt. But it's a start. at any's supposed to be up and running very soon.
Less than 45 mins til its supposed to start and its not even listed yet in game and no new info on the forum. Why do I get the feeling they will be late in bringing this out and it will just be ignored when we don't get 48 hours heh
Ye of little faith! Slight delay in getting the minigame out before it starts but it is now up and it will run for 48 hours. The Kano Turbofist is a weapon.
About the calendar.... Kano has mixed the Xp that we receive from normal rockets and challanges....with the Xp from this "special calendar"? It's started from less than 1 hour and i already get You are now helping Jill. You earned 1 XP. Start your own Leap Year Calendar! Can Kano fix this problem?Thanks.... and as i seen...kano left just one empty spot for the key....reloading each 20's just stressfull...
Luca check out this post re: Challenge Helper XP
okay, I feel lazy for not bringing up this issue on the last 2 day callender. I guess thats what i get for procrastinating and expecting other people to make complaints... The help XP... Why do I feel like NOT helping anyone on thier callender? The xp for the 2 day callender is cut in half, while i dont mind that, I have noticed that They count twards my daily 50 regular rocket/carnival/deathdeal helps... So basically, by helping somone on thier callender. Im screwing myself out of .5 percent of my level, that I could have gotten by using my help on a regular challenge.... Can we do one of two things... Either bump xp up to full 1 percent, or seperate the help xp to an unlimited amount like the monthly callender help? is this thing on? can anybody hear me?
Touche! Given these shortened calendars can be completed up to 3 times within a 48hour time period they are also subject to a helper XP reduction. Nice catch though. That thread was created well before we ever dreamed of running 48 hour calendars.
I dont mind if we get an unlimited amount of helps for the 2 day callender... but at least make them worth the same amount of XP as a rocket launcher they are counted against the amount of chalenges we can get xp for. Cant complain about getting the same amount of XP easier, but Less total xp? only makes sense to NOT help on them... so why is that in the game?
Quick someone is taking our photo, stick your hands in your pockets! What is Eric Fearless holding behind door fifteen, some kind of marmot?
@Bad ass name- 1. We live in Canada, yes Victoria is the warmest climate in Canada (similar to Seattle) but can be very windy and that day it was. Plus we had to take a bunch of shots until we got the perfect image that you see in game 2. I am holding Olive our office dog, she is black so hard to make out good eye though! 3. Also thanks for blasting me out on the ZS live chat something to the effect "opened door #15 quickly how do I close", after reading that I actually went to go open up door 15 and had a good laugh so thanks for that.