I Doubt very much they will do anything .. they rarely do ... the occational quick fix & wee tit bits to pacify in the attempt to divert from the real issues .... but, Im sure if any admendments were to be made downgrading would be unnecessary - you should automatically get your extra upgraded items.
it is if u play like i do...lol, im wreckless with no fear...haha u must play on fb though bc we only have one person that high on myspace, but its a war on myspace, nobody is safe...lol
Does anyone have a list that gives you the following information pertaining ALL Craftable Items for LCN: Which category the Item belongs in (Weapon, Armor, Vehicle), and the Attack/Defense Strengths of each Item? The reason this would be helpful is because I am asking for Gifts to Craft Items that are sometimes thousands of Levels before I am able to actually Craft the Item. I am fairly strong for my Level, and when an Item becomes available to Craft for me, it is too weak for my Mob of 2,000 to use because I already have stronger Items. If anyone knows where I can find a list like this (or something close), please let me know! If there is not one out there, I just might start putting one together myself, but would only be able to include the Craftable Items up to Level 1580 at this time! Thanks!
that would be great if there was a reference list. even if it has to be updated at some point. at least it would give you a good baseline of everything that is available instead of pointing and clicking and trying to compare it to what you're already using to see if they would be useful to you.
Is the list that is established in the workshop part of the stockpile it? Or is there ways to somehow pair items and create an item not listed?
I am currently working on one but am hampered by my level. Using multiple sources but someone who is a really high level would really be appreciated if they could fill in attack and defense. It can be viewed right in the workshop blueprint details if you have it unlocked. Here is the doc I'm working on. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...zc559rkXSO_OjwT4izOSU/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=0
Not my work, but you can thank Easy to Remember for his work here>> http://forums.kanoapps.com/threads/...s-equipment-for-every-boss.20701/#post-158089
Since we're all bumping a thread from 5 years ago, I just wanted to clarify that there is NO significant workshop update coming up soon, so don't get too excited.
Jades I constantly get directed to that post and I did use it to help fill in the second sheet of the one I'm working on but I am trying to get ALL blueprint items (not just hidden) on the first sheet and the second sheet contains all coop boss drops. I'm only missing 2 from moon base.