[LCN] LCN Lounge Chat Improvements Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by SparkleMotion, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. Christel Lejon

    Christel Lejon New Member

    if what you say is true, then the likes of KillerK would have been banned by now, she brings up peoples illnesses and laughs with them and use Kano,s name to justify it.....Insults and banter are 1 thing, but laughing with peoples illnesses and calling them fakers is another. Also either tell everyone what your plans are instead of having KillerK make them up
  2. Christel Lejon

    Christel Lejon New Member

    if only it was that simple....you mute, but they can still see your posts, they anticipate on the convo, post something and then bam, you give that person the perfect screenshot to send a ticket for so called violating the Tou..Kano has people banned for life over nothing, yet they let 1 person violating the ToU over and over without doing anything...IMO, they Kano are liars, they told that a certain person is not working for them, but that person is, if not, they would have stopped her already violating their rules...How can they let someone who wishes people dead for real still be in the lounge. Kano are measuring with 2 sizes....
  3. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Muting someone like that, really works well , every game has crazy loons playing that say outrageous things, or lie, have delusions, that is nothing new, in the case you are talking about , muting is a godsend, yes they can see you, but what I like to do is just make fun of them,I don't cross the line and violate anything, but when ya mute someone and proceed to ignore their posts while making fun of them , it is sweet revenge lol
  4. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well Steve stay out of the lounge then if it is not your cup of tea, don't even open it, I know many people who don't open it or talk in it, it is just not for them and yes muting works, no one can run anyone out of game, technically you can only be a victim/target if that is how you see yourself, if you want to socialize in a peaceful manner in a fighting game , I suggest you make a FB chat group and chat to your hearts content :) Been playing these kinds of games for many years, even before kano ,have seen and heard it all, have been thru similar things, once I changed my perspective about it, nothing anyone can say can hurt me, or bother me, sure there are limits in the tavern and if someone crosses it then send in a ticket, you know you can see the 'rules' before you accept to join the lounge/tavern each time, so we all know what we can say or not say. it is all how you look at things in the end. Muting is not meant to get others to change their ways, it is just for us to have what I like to call golden silence, sometimes I even have to mute friends when they get really stupid in their trolling, just to take a break I am here to play a game and if chat is getting ugly, with one person ranting about whatever, I mute or close it for awhile :)
  5. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    OMG I did not tell you what to do I actually was trying to help you by offering options and suggestions, I did not discount your feelings , I shared my experience, thinking you might find something that would help you, instead of asking kano or expecting kano to do something , this way you take charge of your own personal issue, I happen to like the lounge/taverns more than the old World Chat , my only beef is people talking trash while dead, and that is not gonna change, but if you want to waste energy being so angry in a game,..... be my guest lol, have a nice day :p PS no one can run anyone out of a game, unless the person chooses to leave the game , ya gotta let crap run off your back in life and in a game and I stand by that.
    Sandy Barrows likes this.
  6. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    I stay out of lounge myself now. It doesn't add any enjoyment to my game experience.

    Went in several times in past to see what it was like..the brain cells start to die and IQ drops after a 5 minute exposure to the hazardous waste in there.
    Rick B and Kirsten like this.
  7. Christel Lejon

    Christel Lejon New Member

    in the case I am talking about, she muted KillerK, and while she was talking about the series " The Walking dead", killerk posted something that ended up with that person not seeing kik's reply, that kk claims that that person was making fun of her dead child and even shows screenshot of it. That is how far kk is going to get people banned.
  8. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yeah I see what she says, I don't talk there but I see it all, even the stuff on FB, no player can ban anyone, only Kano can.
  9. Steven Jordan

    Steven Jordan Active Member

    I've heard a rumor that Lounge chat may be shut down.
    Any truth?
    Rick B likes this.
  10. Sandy Barrows

    Sandy Barrows Active Member

    Good idea
    Rick B likes this.
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    OH I hope not I love the lounge/taverns, they are so much fun :)
  12. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Fwiw, I haven't heard anything about the Lounge one way or the other.
    Steven Jordan likes this.
  13. Tiny Vile Lyn

    Tiny Vile Lyn Member

    Would be nice if mute worked both ways. If I mute someone then I can't see what she says, but she should not be able to see what I say either. That way the muted can't sit there and twist anything I've said because they would not be able to see what I say.
  14. Crazy Inuit

    Crazy Inuit Member

    allthough that looks like a good idea Tiny, I am not sure it would not be on dangerous grounds.... Imagine someone always talking bad about others, they would have free hands and could destroy a players reputation completely without the concerned player being able to see it or defend themselves. Your choice who you mute, if the one you mute still wants to see what you have to say, they should be able to do so.
  15. Crazy Inuit

    Crazy Inuit Member

    and if you want to be undisturbed, you can make your own chat groups and not take it up in lounge at all ;)
  16. Tiny Vile Lyn

    Tiny Vile Lyn Member

    Agreed Inuit, didn't think about that aspect.
  17. Torchwood

    Torchwood New Member

    Lounge chat is an important tool in the game,it forges alliances,creates enemies....it should be regarded as as a weapon, given proper use( ok maybe manipulative use) it can greatly assist......so my tuppence worth is.....keep it and dont ever think about getting rid
    Kirsten likes this.

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