less and less players are playing every day. I've kept track last 3 weeks. 9 out of top 40 players have not played at all during that time. Several played just a few days. Can you do a promotion on armor or kong like you did with LCN? Otherwise, I'm probably going to be 1 of the ones who quits it and just play it on kano2.
Naglfar Boss Battle Details total vikings: 795 fight started: 3 days ago One month ago - near 1200 players
yes but one month ago we had a huge influx of new players cause of the kong promotion....before that we had about 200 active players or so, so it IS picking up and we've gained a few hundred in a months or 2 time....like i said, be patient and stick it out....quitting wont help those numbers any....you want more actives? promote the game on fb and any other social network youre a part of...instagram has gotten pretty popular lately, even if we get another hundred or 3 it would bring up total participation by at least 30-40%
it is good idea. I want more active player to recruit to innercircle. Now im in 425 Ic but only 200 players dayly active.
There are a ton more active then when i started i stuck some came and left i delete my inactives after a couple months and bounty them
Legion of Tyr (Level 7 Aegir's Sea World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 702 Naglfar (Level 6 Aegir's Passage World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 829 fight started: 34 days ago Naglfar (Level 7 Aegir's Passage World Boss) total vikings: 694 fight started: 5 days ago Freyja (Level 3 Vanaheim World Boss) total vikings: 774 fight started: 33 days ago
Freyja (Level 4 Vanaheim World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 677 fight started: 4 days ago
Phoenix (Level 7 North Midgard World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 757 fight started: 34 days ago
That was last month? Phoenix (Level 8 North Midgard World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 661 fight started: 4 days ago
Legion of Tyr (Level 7 Aegir's Sea World Boss) Boss Battle Details total vikings: 702 fight started: 31 days ago
I know the games need to reach a certain average rating for them to be promoted on Kong. I dont know about armor - but Pirates could really do with some promotion on Kong, it hasnt had any since it started. I left Vikings because it got so slow...
it depends on what you mean by good. kong mob wars seems to be pretty active. lots of fighting and hits.