July Gifts and New Limited Items!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Wonder Woman, Jul 4, 2011.

  1. Wonder Woman

    Wonder Woman Active Member

  2. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Is it true the Stinkbombs are actually forged from the playing abilities of the average credit card warrior?

    You know, they lack sufficient ability so they buy they skills.

    But furthermore, how come the Kano staff aren't able to bend the forum rules to allow them to post sufficient pictures for situations such as this?

    Would computer say no? Forum say no? Server say no? or just no?

    And even further more :p

    Do i smell something brewing in the workshop? This industrial cleaner would be very suited to being combined with the stinkbombs for some sort of stench spray..
    Maybe that could be a supercharged destructive rather than a weapon, as no matter how much that mist stinks it won't fare very well against an AK or a SHZZZZOOMMMING laserblade.
    One bullet through the tank and the contained foul smelling liquid would simple ooze out and most likely form a huge peace stain all over the leg of the holder. You know where. You know what that would look like, just be thankful you aren't quite sure what that would smell like!
  3. Instead of trying to make insults, why don't you just say "thank you for allowing me to be a leech who doesn't contribute to the game". Kano doesn't run apps out of charity, they're a business. They are in this to make money, how do you think they do that... Credit Card Players.
    The rest of your post... is nonsensical to me.

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