[VC] January 2015 Item Creation Contest Voting

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Jan 26, 2015.


Which Item Should Win the GearJam?

Poll closed Feb 2, 2015.
  1. Enchanted Herring

    13 vote(s)
  2. Myrkr & Kveykva

    38 vote(s)
  3. Scared Viking

    17 vote(s)
  4. Mother Earth

    12 vote(s)
  5. Astro Shield

    12 vote(s)
  1. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Now that the ideas have been submitted and a shortlist has been picked by staff here at Kano, it is time for you guys (the community at large) to weigh in on which on the following items you want to see as the winners for the January 2015 GearJam!

    Please use the poll above to vote on the items and if you would like to view the post before making your decision, I will link them below:

    Enchanted Herring
    Myrkr & Kveykva
    Scared Viking
    Mother Earth
    Astro Shield

    Voting ends a week from now so cast your vote and may the best item win! :)
    bEn K likes this.
  2. Lester peterson aka Pete

    Lester peterson aka Pete Active Member

    Scared Vikings have roots in rune stones has my vote even in my other game sr just the initials has it built in if I am allowed to say
  3. Demonik1

    Demonik1 Well-Known Member

    i voted
    Myrkr & Kveykva but i think it should have diff numbers during the day and night...like attack based during the day and defensive at night or vice versa....that would be extremely cool
    Lasinagol and George Burd like this.
  4. Papakendall

    Papakendall New Member

    Myrkr as well
  5. Kris Lee DUke

    Kris Lee DUke Member

    --- I can't believe "Mister Grumpy" didn't make the top 5. Considering there sure are alot fo grumpy players out there... :-D
    Deblovscats1 likes this.
  6. LaScepter

    LaScepter Well-Known Member

    Im not a fan of any of the 5 the devs picked...but i voted for one of them...:rolleyes::oops:
  7. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    i went with the mother earth myself
  8. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    I think it is pretty clear which one won...Myrkr and Kveyvka.
  9. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    I just wonder how they will make it look. And what the att. and def. will be.
  10. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    It will be interesting to see if they take Demonik1's idea of alternating att/def based on the time of day.
  11. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    It's a neat idea, but our system is unfortunately not currently set up to accommodate that.
  12. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    So for that idea to be ad hoc'ed they would hafta be different warriors? Is that system also why you guys can't adjust the stats of items in game?
  13. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    Yes and no, respectively. :)

    Item stats are something we can adjust if necessary and I'm in talks with the developers about that at the moment (specifically around Loyalty Rewards).
    George Burd likes this.
  14. Nic21

    Nic21 Active Member

    That would be nice, but hard playing a game like this online. Cents we all play in different time zones. Unless they would use their own time zone as the only zone they want to use.
  15. Lasinagol

    Lasinagol Active Member

    I imagine they would lock it to their own, like for the dailies and season starts.
  16. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

  17. GoddessFreyja

    GoddessFreyja Active Member

    Thank you very much......and many thanks for all the votes my entry received!!! :D
    Lasinagol likes this.

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