donĀ“t forget about iceland and greenland 
i found an old post of mine concerning the theme of new worlds and stuff:
"i think thats a good idea. maybe u could create other worlds too. 4 example: "the roots of yggdrasil", or "halls of asgard" and the final station "battle of ragnarok".
wish: "retro items", such as nidhoggur, svartalfar axe, ljosalfar axe, three horn (seen just one time!!!), THOR GUARDIAN (please!!!), or odin avenger - for those who joined the game too late (like me),...
another wish: new weapons: 4 example (animals): (armored) polarbear, zombie-wolverine, or battle-eagle (great-eagle), silver-stallion (like shadowfax), just 2 mention a few ideas...
or new warriors: 4 example: battle-skald, (white) sorcerer, elite-ulfhednar,... ))
...or mythical nordic creatures (goblins, orcs, demons >>> like the balrog, as fire-demon)
greets, max, the ulfhednar-jomsviking"
PS: thanx for the norse/german mythology god-items you brought into the game (gram, hrotti, grani,...) they are great!!!
PPS: when u create those new worlds, could u bring in adventure-drops like for example: norse king, (norse) skald, (norse) ranger, viking explorer (leif ericson),...
Last edited: Sep 22, 2010