Irritating missing items :-(

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Chiraz, Jul 6, 2011.

  1. Chiraz

    Chiraz New Member

    I love the Kano games and I play them probably too much hehe, but a few things are VERY irritating. In Viking clans for example, i find myself missing
    the "Thor amulet" item, and don't understand how I'm able to get my hands on it. Have tried asking friends for the item, but haven't had any luck.

    Anyone know an easier way or are you just supposed to hope for a friend to recieve that particular item and then send it to you?
  2. Ahad

    Ahad Member

    Please see other thread talking about the exact same situation only in a different theme with a different required item.

    Goal is the same, strategy / solution should be the same.

    Maybe better hopes in PC, as the vikings got their share of bewbz on the Trickster Fairies. Still worth a try though, who in their right mind could say no to actual bewbz... For all they know they would be getting actual bewbz ;)
  3. Ace

    Ace Member

    Add it to your Gift Wishlist and start sending gifts to your friends, at least one of them will send the gift you need.
  4. said it on other thread

    will say it here to

    this is a classic reason why gifts shouldnt be part of adven requirements

    or why all accounts should come with gifts required for advens

    if someone rids them prematurely

    then they should rightfully scramble to get em

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