In-Game Message Ideas

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by daz, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Yes, we need those 3 suggestions. I like the "Because you taste so good!" one, myself.
  2. Mr Killer Man

    Mr Killer Man Active Member

    Yes! I like this as I level up the fight list shrinks and I start to over attack to get the gamer points.
  3. Ace

    Ace Member

    I want a "I don't like you." message in response to the "Why are you picking on me" or "Can you leave me alone" messages lol
  4. I was bored
    Is that all?
    Was good XP
  5. Red

    Red Member


    Again tomorrow !
  6. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    How about one involving Bosses?

    Something along the lines of "You hurt my Boss too much."
    So then I can explain WHY I bountied someone for offing a +12million HP Boss 5 minutes after it starts.
  7. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Along with the "Let your Guild/Armada/Faction/etc members fight their own battles", can we have something along the lines of "Your Guild member started it!"?

    Because I need a way to communicate to players that I was not bountying their innocent little warrior for nothing. Urgh. I got enough enemies right now.
  8. Because the Cat told me to.

    Because you stopped feeding me XP.

    Because you beat me rather than feed me XP.

    Because whining leads to dying.

    Just because.

    And ofcourse

    Because you taste so good.
  9. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    How about a simple “Fuck You!” or even a “F*** You!” I rarely use any of the ingame messages because they never seem to apply to the situation. A “Fuck You” is almost always appropriate.
  10. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    Meh. Some players have found an alternative: spam "No."
    I'm fairly sure that translates as "F*** you!" in at least ONE language...
  11. Jager

    Jager Member

    How about when you are attacking someone on the list and they are quick at healing making it more than a one shot kill. "Nice Ride" comes to mind as a message but maybe there is a better one?
  12. malific

    malific Member

    This one´s implemented in PC, but not VC. I found myself looking for that message in Viking to send to somebody who got pissed because I got their hit, but couldn´t find it.
  13. Jailbait

    Jailbait Member

    id really like to suggest "Ambushing will only make it worse"
  14. hulk77

    hulk77 Member

    How about something along the lines of "I still need battle points. You interested in helping?" and "I got my battle points. Thanks for the help."
  15. I have a message I would like to add.





    "Thou art such a pain in the tyndall."


    "I dare you to heal again."
  16. Jailbait

    Jailbait Member

    i would also like you add "u mad bro?" and "<3" just to piss slayers off
  17. Ace

    Ace Member

    "Stop whining to other Vikings and fight your own battles!"
  18. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I would like a "chat in world boss feed?", message. This would come in really handy at times.
  19. Slient Killer

    Slient Killer New Member

    i think there should be a message for saying nice hitlist kill or nice hitlist collection
  20. SkylerF

    SkylerF Member

    "Nice kill." already exists.

    But I agree. Then I could tell players
    "Nice bounty collection. It's nothing personal, just business. You're the only player on my fight list."
    the next time somebody complains that "I just wanted the coins from your bounty!"
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