I'm a level 2237 with 1391 captains, in Aurora Glacier.

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by Vikingking, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. Vikingking

    Vikingking New Member

    My question would be for THAT level which top mateys, ships, weapons should I be collecting. Which adventure nets the top items for my level? Also, I don't have a meaningful wishlist, in that I have no idea what I should be requesting. I just want to be able to opptimize my player in the shortest amount of time, as I work 10-13 hours a day and have very little time, but I still like to play and kick ass and all that..:cool:
  2. Maler

    Maler Member

    This is VIKING Clan, not Pirate. Wrong forum ...
  3. moving thread to appropriate forum
  4. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Depends, do you want attack-heavy or defense-heavy mateys. I dropped hundreds of mateys from the first Aurora Glacier adventure and am now filling my ships up on Easter Island, after dropping 1000 mateys there.

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