ideas for all four apps

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by Samiam Fourever, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    In my opinion, you can't compare raid bosses with challenge and adventure help.
    Challenge and adventure help isn't really "helping", it's just a way to gain a little extra XP. It's not so that a player can't finish his/her adventure or challenge if nobody helps.
    It's different with raid bosses. If nobody helps, you can't finish your boss.

    That's why I like the cap on adventures and the XP on challenges, to give everyone a fair chance to get some extra XP, and no cap on raid bosses to give everyone a fair chance to get them filled with other players and finish them.
  2. Marc14

    Marc14 Active Member

    Very wise words!

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