It does seem to be a bit "do as i say not as I do"...doesnt it?
They can do whatever they want I guess...its their "dog and pony show". But It doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize that its Kano themselves that has created this ever increasing atmosphere of resentment amongst its players . Besides playing robin hood and stealing from the upper levels to give to the lowers they simply dont get it, "you can put lipstick on a pig...but its still a pig". , Short term fixes and catchly lil "fly by night" updates are like trendy nite spots...."here today ...gone tomorrow". Kano you went to the well way to many times....instead of sticking to what and who made u successful u abandoned it/them..... Instead of "dancing with the girl that brought you"...ya ran off with some young floozy, dont expect us to feel bad now that shes run off with someone younger and deeper pockets. You guys caved in to the lowers repeatedly and they rode it for all its worth and have basically driven Kano games into the ground.
I would have figured a lil Indy company such as Kano would have wanted to take advantage of positive word of mouth marketing from its most loyal of customers...imagine my surprise when ya kicked em in the teeth and spat on them. now they're leaving with only bad things to say and your young floozy left last week for one of the corp big boys. You neglected the upper levels and pandered to the lowers.....gee ....wonder why everybody is pissed off. At least u brought in the very knowledgeable and personable Mr Deltan to smooth things over....thats a lil like ripping the dumbass band-aid u put on the gushing wound of players and pouring gasoline on it.
Anyone got a match....lets just get this over with.
Last edited: Apr 18, 2012