I messaged you guys about the missing link earlier this morning only to get the standard form letter response about Super Rewards handling all payments and transactions.. I realize that but in order for them to handle my transaction I need to be able to start it.. I used the link two days ago and I know that you normally have to wait a period of time before you are allowed to use the pay pal link again. But its been two days and it still has not reappeared.. Other people say their pay pal link is still there but mine is gone.. I need FP's so can we please place it back on my god father page please.. Thank You
I believe support has forwarded on your request to SR, they usually get back to us with-in the same day.
I want to make sure you know before you suggest I try to use the Social Gold selection where you can pick pay pal as an option did not work.. So now its three days and I still cant buy favor points..
Just tried Social Gold again using PayPal and it worked this time... finally... more points now I can get back to leveling again the hard way with out a partner doing boss jobs..