[VC] How to tell a weapon from a warrior in drops?

Discussion in 'New Player Area' started by fin, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. fin

    fin New Member

    I recently noticed that my stoneskin trolls where weapons not warriors. How can you look at a drop and know which is which? (I am colorblind so i hope the font color is not the answer)
  2. mi7ch

    mi7ch Administrator

    [​IMG] Warrior

    [​IMG] Weapon

    Stoneskin Trolls being a weapon sounds incorrect, I'll double-check that.
  3. Brett Lowder

    Brett Lowder New Member

    I had the same question. Where do you see these symbols? I see the sword for both weapon and warrior for all my list
  4. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    It depends on where you're viewing it. If you go to the boss and click on the "Rewards" tab, there is a little icon in the upper left hand corner of the drop image. The helmet icon indicates the drop is a warrior, the sword icon indicates the drop is a weapon.
  5. Brett Lowder

    Brett Lowder New Member

    is there a way to tell on the adventures tab?
  6. Brett Lowder

    Brett Lowder New Member

    when the award is dropped the symbol shows
  7. Brett Lowder

    Brett Lowder New Member

    i find a lot of items i would expect are warriors to be weapons. Most of them refer to a living entity
    this might help balance the game some more to have these classified correctly?
    fin likes this.
  8. fin

    fin New Member

    I agree with brett above... I just found the underseeker is classified as a weapon and not a soldier??? WTH???

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