Hi mates, im new and trying to get my pirate clan account setup but its not letting me. Any assistance is appreciated.
Hi Sarah. How are you trying to accomplish this? You should be able to go to kanoplay.com, Login with FB and then when you are in Pirate Clan change your server along the top bar from Server 1 to Server 2. You may have already tried that. If so please PM me your Pirate Clan profile link and I can see if we can determine what is going on.
i am also having a heck of a time doing that cant get my pirates clan id to connect to my facebook account .I dont want to lose the account green handed mary but when i try and connect it to facebook it trys to make me set up a new account very frustrating since you cant craft from iphone but i cant connect this account to my facebook account step by step please
all you gotta do is Login with your email an password you are associated with an you should be good too go....Sara an Texas
i know if u are signing up there should be a Button somewhere saying u can sign up once ya do that Login too the email associated with that account an Confirm an u should be good to go..i hope this helps