You know the idea: a savage troll joins a raid with an alt account and gets the raid killed intentionally. People are seeking revenge, but you can't do anything because the user is under 60 day protection. After 60 days pass, the troll gets rid of the alt account and creates a new one. SOLUTION: People under the 60 day protection shouldn't be allowed to join raids. So, what do you think?
Trolls are bad. Savage Trolls... even worse. Raid party's can no longer be "killed" but you are required to have some health in order to attack the raid boss. But as of the Raid bosses that were released in March 2018 it is no longer possible to kill your Party and therefore there is no longer a penalty for completely depleting your Party health. There is however diminishing returns on XP and Dmg Dealt when your party health drops below 50%. You can read more about the changes here:
i know this is a raid thread but hear me out tho my honest opinion you guys should remove the Protection from new accounts permantly! cause if they wanna troll like that an talk so much smack we should be allow too kill them please add this in your Book on a To Do List! an about Alts u are never gonna get rid of the alts cause kano is not barely strict enough to do so!!
every game has a protection feature , usually for 30 days, and kano did too but about 2 years ago give or take they raised it to 60 days, which is way too long, IMO....