How does someone get banned riding the list over 2 hours?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by HeyUwereWTFpwned, Feb 16, 2012.

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  1. Free kiss

    Free kiss New Member

    It is possible to ride that long, but if i ride a poor 15 minutes they blaming me for using a healbot! :rolleyes: Kano knows i'm not using one, they gave us a healbutton, why wont we use it eh :cool:
  2. That's the same thing they banned me for a few weeks ago. I emailed them and they got my account back active after a day. The new system they have in place, watching the rival screen heal button, triggers if you hit it too quick.
  3. alka

    alka Banned

    I mashed the heal button for over 100 minutes the other day and didn't get a ban, so I guess some of us are lucky..
  4. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Like I said previously..I dont know the person who was banned and Im certainly not insinuating anything...but just to play devils advocate....How can any other player know that this person wasnt cheating? Im guessing if they had been they wouldnt readily admit it
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    It is funny how every week there is a new thread on the forum about Kano not doing anything to stop bots and cheats etc.
    Then as soon as a player is banned your back on the forum complaining because Kano have banned someone.

    It's nice people are standing up for a mate, but Polish is right, none of you really know if this player has been cheating or not.
  6. He's a good guy been playing this game over 600 days, would be no reason whatsoever to all the sudden decide to cheat. We know about alot of people that are still cheating in this game and continue to get away with it.. All that can be done is report it to Kano and then its on Kano to take care of that problem..
  7. Lance Mustang

    Lance Mustang Member

    So what, are we supposed to report every last person who does something we cannot? "Oh no, this person is better than me, THEY MUST BE CHEATING". It really gets on my nerves how people will go without any proof go and report someone for abuse of rules. It doesn't matter how much you think someone is cheating, unless you have proof that backs you up, do not report. It's nothing but an inconvenience to the person playing and would piss you off as well.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LMAO....I cant say with all certainty....but it wouldnt surprise me a bit If i was the most reported person in Kano history. In the years Ive played ive only been frozen once (for 4 minutes) and that wasnt because i was reported but rather a glitch in Kanos security when it was first introduced (this can be verified as Kano made a public announcement about it in the forums). So I would say its been no real inconvenience at all.

    The fact is that the players are and always will be the best line of defense against cheaters....There is only so much Kano can do...its the players who play and interact amongst and against these cheats on a regular basis over extended periods of time that have the best vantage point. When a player reports a suspected cheat the very least they have been put on Kanos radar.

    With that said...There is no doubt in my mind that automated software such as Kano employs is flawed at best and that innocents have been frozen unjustly, but I would also venture to guess that it has been spot on in more than a few occasions.

    Exactly what would you consider proof? Unless your standing over someones shoulder shooting there really anyway to prove someone is cheating beyond a shadow of a doubt? So if the burden of proof was that strict....Im pretty sure that would guarantee that no cheat would ever be frozen and they would be even more prevalent than they already are.

    I would guess by far the overwhelming majority of "cheat " reports (which has got to be in the thousands)that Kano gets are completely bogus from players that are just jealous or just so self deluded that they think that someone else cant possibly be out playing them. With that said....I think Kano does a pretty decent job of keeping the wrongly frozen accounts to a minimum.

    Ive posted previously that I didnt think Kano shouldnt freeze first and ask questions fact they dont even contact a player they freeze...but wait for the player to contact them... I def think this is wrong because I believe the majority of cases that get frozen are usually unfrozen quite quickly upon explanation by the accused party. When this happens...I think the player should be compensated.

    There was also a recent thread that suggested if Kano suspected a player of cheating that they should notify the player that they are being suspected of suspicious play...I personally dont think this would stop cheating but may go a long way as a deterrent to cheating.

    In the end....there has to be some type of checks and balances....unfortunately this means that occasionally innocents will be harmed, but if u ask me.....its better than the alternative
  9. alka

    alka Banned

    If Kano believe a player to be cheating through the systems they have set up, then it would be wrong of them to bow to pressure to unfreeze an account..
    Therefore, in the case of J**l, as he is back playing we should assume Kano make a grave error of judgement in freezing him and should therefore make a public apology denouncing J**l of any wrong doing.
    However, if Kano believe the guy was cheating but unfroze him through pressure, then maybe Kano should just keep quite and we can all assume J**l was cheating!
    Therefore they should throw away any system that detects cheating and render it useless because we complain about cheats and complain when cheats get banned.
    The ball is in Kano's court.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2012
  10. i rode the hitlist shortly after joel came off of it and i was up there for 90 minutes and boredom kicked in.... i was under massive attacks for the first 3-4 minutes but most of people give up or back off after 20-30 hits. and then i got hit randomly once or twice here n there from people prolly lookin for a one hit claim hopin others were still goin for it. personally i think its a crock of crap that he gets banned for this
  11. alka

    alka Banned

    I rode it for 4 hours hoping to get a reaction from Kano, but I guess they are too embarrassed by their last screw up ( I mean the ban not all the screw up's since). In the end I called in a faction member to take me off.
    The new Heal button is another stupid idea and I know I could have stayed on the list for many more hours. If one of the top guys in the game can't remove me what chance do the others have?

    I'm not sure if it would work but if guys are able to kill themselves on a boss while listed then I would imagine they would not lose any xp from the listing as is the case when not listed.
    Seems ok for Kano to introduce cheat like options without banning themselves!!!
  12. clubber

    clubber Member

    OK, I must say this is an awkward decision for Kano. Let's consider that some guy/gurl on hi5 > VC stayed more than 8 hours on histlist and he/she didn't get banned for doing so. So, either he was cheating, either Kano do it again.
  13. lol, and we were as bored watching you sit on that listing as I'm sure you were sitting there for 4 hours.
  14. Trying not to think about needing to pee is the hardest part
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    A player will not get frozen for riding the hitlist alone, but they will for performing highly irregular and/or suspicious actions in the game. As was mentioned earlier in this thread, if the player was detected by our system they should be the one that writes into support.

    We have quite the back log of support as we have had a couple of days of minimal coverage and have not been able to get to emails within our 24-48 hr response target.

    I will be closing this thread.
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