how can this happen

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Larry Skary, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    TY for making my point "cat"! please see your guild leaders comments above.

    R u referring to me getting beat by a player 1200 levels lower? LMAO......dream on! I believe I covered this earlier.
  2. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    just wondering

    it seems to me john that all tho you said you don't take the game personally you sure are doing so now i guess you are letting your true nature show
  3. Technically he likes to be referred to as 3/4 cat or 1/2 depending on the mood he is in. Don't keep us in suspense...what percentage of cat are you??????

    In particular check the feed of a certain level 500-600 player that's in opposition to the Pimp guild. Nothing but raving lunacy and obscenity in an endless string of comments.
  4. I agree - I have seen numerous comments from said person which are totally out of line and should be addressed. He is actually clan of mine-and i have requested that he no longer uses abuse on my Boss notes - As for the cats % I think I will always refer to it as a pussy!!! Create a name - Live up to it!! Lmao..
    .No matter what gets put in this or any other thread - whatever sad people want to say or rant about.....its a game - that as the days wear on is becoming more and more boring with the so called 'game play' - Its now full of Bully Boy Tactics which I don't agree with - never will. I refuse now to attack any of the 'higher levels' as I then get pounded by the 'guild' what fun is that? No one seems able to fight a single fight now......Change of game tactics now I think.....Good luck to all
  5. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Sooooo...Let me get this straight...r u calling me a cheater? Once again.....please come forth with evidence. Hmmmm....wanting/being successful at a game is not what i should be doing? R u saying I should follow the example u have set? That wouldnt be a bad idea....if I actually wanted to suck!
  6. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    @John, I and Olen alone can do more damage then your whole guild combined. You guys cant even afford to list me LOL
  7. well i do read but i don't think you remember your own comments lol
    i have the same number of attack from your guild member .. they point is we play game how it let us play

    if Raforta try make that some players are play unfair than i say You guys play the same we do !! so every time some say we do this i will find that You do the same :D

    so far is fun have a good weekend .. chill a bit.. get some time out .. :)
    You all giving a good game here and share battle experiences and i have no problem with that .. be cool friends and enemy's...
  8. He's on to your self-healing boss! lol jk
  9. Yes better stats is good .. well in my calculation i get more levels with levelling partner from 1200 stamina than boss fighters with 3000-4000 stamina .. so not really much spending here and now we wait for kano to get better battle options and when waiting still we collect lots points from hunter shoots .. so i say when i do level i spend 100 points to get 100 levels so its good deal and for 20$ .. ;)
  10. LMAO@U Eddie as usual..hahahahahhahaah I dont waste my money on bountying you or Olena, you guys aren't a threat, and I can beat you easily,so why waste cash on you? You should worry about Fielding,does he have enough cash to bounty you? Oh I think that has been proven hundreds of times hasnt it? I'm always surprised that you always, write in when your name isnt mentioned, but when I talk about known cheaters.tthat says alot Buddy, and everyone knows what you do..hahahhahahhahh
  11. Hey PP did I call you a cheater? NO..Please ask your mother JJ to read this for you.Ugh!! I dont like to school people,but I guess I must with you.. and I dont suck,I have always played fair and am at lvl 3108, I would hardly call that sucking Blimp..No need to get all nasty, you need to go back to school and relearn some things.
  12. I think the cat Needs a fur ball!! - You can do nothing on your own - its alway fielding you run too- ooops its Para...ooops or could it be the next person to run in front!! lmao who's laughing at who now? You don't actually worry anyone.......But I will now just sit back and watch you lot and laugh!! Much more fun!
  13. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    LOL....I cant believe your using the "Duck" as an example...he and all his $ "Ducked" out last week when we whooped him and took his money...and he hasnt been back since.....Im thinking instead of a "Duck" he is a cross between a "pussy cat and a "chicken". Please dont bore me with saying he left town or was busy.....he was in PC the whole time! The Barn yard is beginning to empty...I might have to consider becoming a vegitarian!
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    I swear to god...Im not trying to be mean here cat.....but u seriously need to seek professional u seriously not remember what u do or say from one moment to the next?

    3108 is actually quite impressive...its how u got there that makes u suck. Ummmmmmm...what exactly r u schooling me in? On n how not to conduct my myself? Ty very much!
  15. Larry Skary

    Larry Skary Member

    just wondering

    i think thats what he teaches best Polish as we have always been told to watch the actions of others and if it isnt right DONT DO IT plus the fact that he dont like conflict cause he only bountis people lower in level than him because he is afraid of retalliation
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  16. People, people we are losing sight of the important issue here. Just what percentage of cat are you Siamese?????? Is it 1/2 or is it 3/4???
  17. :D - Hahaha - excellant!!
  18. hi PolishpimpN
    About Fielding ... i think Fielding didnt care who will get all gold... when he bounty you or Your close partner .. i think he did bounty you because you removed him from your clan and attack on bounty... so did you message him as clan member before you removed him and attack him on bounty?

    im personally watch so many my clan members on bounty and i will not attack them if they dont want me do that !! so this Bounty business was more about Clan respect ..
    well im not telling you how to play your game .. im just try explain what was problem was .. as i know Fielding for a year and he will fight for clan respect a lot :)
    hope this helps to clear out some questions

  19. Eddie

    Eddie Member

    Where is Fielding lately? I have not been bountied in over a week. Is he thinking that violence ain't the answer and a truce is better for all? If that is the case, I'd like to talk to him....
  20. A long time ago - fielding was clan with me - yet out of the blue i was declanned and bountied mercifulessly!! No message to say why - no indication of what the reason was- How's that for respect???? No one is going to play the same way in the game - we each addapt tp our own ways - But I do find it strange that fielding has 'disappeared' so unlike him - Maybe he is just getting a taste of his own medicine lol

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