[ZS] Hired Squad & Stamina Boost now here!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Kendall what means " Own : 5 " under every striker,defender,brawler picture in hired slots ?
  2. Ohhh Thanks ZYNGA!!!!! I mean Kano.
    Who doesn't love updates that basically force you to use UN or become so underpowered the game isn't playable anymore.

  3. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    This just shows you which hired guys are taken in when either you're attacking or being attacked, it will adapt automatically depending on the case.
  4. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    It means you currently own 5 of that hired type.
  5. We're not whining. We're having an adult discussion on this issue, that we should have had before the changes went live. But then, I don't expect you to understand what an adult discussion entails.

    Anthony. I love the Zynga remark.
  6. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    This cant be true...it says it under them all and i havent bought any of the new ones
  7. I noticed on my Hired Squad page it said I Own: 1 of each of the new Hired Squad. I haven't purchased any though. Is this a bug?

  8. An adult discussion where you dig into insults? Why, I've never heard of such a thing.

    "I just lost, this update sucks." Truly adult.
  9. Farmer_Austin

    Farmer_Austin New Member

    it says i own 2
  10. If that's all you're getting from my posts, then you truly are a lost cause.
  11. David, there is nothing adult about resorting to petty insults in what you claim is an adult discussion. "Someday I suspect you'll be useful to a discussion." is a childish remark, and really didn't belong in what you claim is an adult discussion.

    It's okay though. I know you're upset.
  12. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    ....you all forgot about the stam boost though... 30% is great ...still could be atleast 50% right? :confused:

    I remember when energy boost first appeared they were only 25% to start and then got raised due to user feedback :D
  13. Eric

    Eric Administrator

    Thanks for pointing this out Kul, this issue has been fixed.
  14. You're right, I am upset and I'm letting that cloud my judgment. I apologize for my remarks. They were out of place. We're allowed to disagree and I forgot that part.

    I really wish we could have debated this change before it went live, since it's such a fundamental change. To me, it seems very rushed. They announced it at the beginning of the month and a couple weeks later it went live. No discussion, no debate. I'm sure the devs were working on it for quite a bit longer, but they failed to ask for player input. They keep insisting that they wanted to add more squad without us having to add more friends to fill it, and that's just untrue. Not a one of us has only 20 squad in total. I would have gladly added in some friends so I could help them out with earnings. While I got to do that, it wasn't for the reasons that I had hoped. It was because I had to move a total of 7 strikers and defenders to my hired squad just to attempt to stay competitive. This caused .me to lose some bonuses. In a couple days, I'll be able to add a pointman, which will be good. But that's only the beginning. I can get away with 5 pointmen and 2 brawlers for now, I think. And fill out the rest of the 5 hired slots with strikers/defenders, but that will take time. Time in which I'll be losing to players I've never lost to before. So much for my much vaunted defense.

    This isn't about adding squad so we could use more of our inventory. That's just patently absurd. If that were true, they would have just added general purpose slots. Most of that inventory deserves to be gathering. And an extra few slots is meaningless when you're considering 8k weapons. I would think this less of a cash grab and more beneficial if I could sell back my strikers and defenders and replace them with pointmen and brawlers. By this time tomorrow, I could have 4 roughnecks, but since they'll have to be replaced at some point, that's just more wasted UN. And it will take me that much longer to get the hired squad I need.

    And that's not to mention, that in 3 levels, I become vulnerable to attack by people who have an extra squad member then I do. That's going to make a huge difference.

    Kano said they wanted to remain unique in games of this type by not requiring us to have in the end 20 additional friends. To me, 40 is still unique, and they've now become like any other game in that paying players will have a huge advantage now.

    I've played this game longer then any other because it was well balanced. I could still compete by making certain sacrifices. That balance has been eradicated. Those sacrifices made meaningless. A paying player now has a distinct advantage over me.

    Now, not only do I need to buy these new hired squad members, but now I have to purchase equipment for them as well. Convict and Hacker gear will suffice for now, but eventually I'm going to have to replace them. So much for Kano's stated reason of using more inventory. I'll only be using the best inventory anyway. That hasn't changed. Those 867 Russian Express Mouthguards I'm not using now? Well, I still won't be using them.

    Kano has earned a lot of loyalty from me, but I don't think it can stand up to this change.
  15. Silas Drama

    Silas Drama New Member

    Hmmm...so now it will take a level 1124 a hundred levels to come even with their competition now. Kano, fix this by allowing us to exchange the old strikers/defenders. I have five of each, and I would trade five for pointmen for the top squad and five for brawlers for the hired squad. Then it will only (lol) take me fifty levels to come even with my competition the way it used to be. I think this would stem a lot of the anger that I've seen in outside discussions.
  16. RIBBET

    RIBBET New Member

    Just a few quick questions for all the haters of this idea, before this UPGRADE to the game how many of you all had strikers and defenders? If these new hired squads make the game unfair why didnt those hired squads? All im gunna say is like it or not this is the new game!!! Adapt and overcome or fall by the wayside, Oorah ;)
  17. Except the strikers and defenders have been available since day 1 and we could slowly buy them as we needed them. Which definetly was not immediate. I would venture to say that I wish I had waited longer to get them myself, because the 10% does not make a huge difference unless your attack and defense are really high.

    In this case we need a rather sudden outlay of UN or else risk not being competitive any longer in a game in which I was such just hours ago. We didn't have much warning. Nothing was discussed concerning the ramifications of this change in advance of it going live. This is a game changer and we should have had more time to mull the idea over and debate with the powers to be the positive and negative ramifications of this change.

    For those few of you who do support this change, why is that, exactly? I haven't heard anything constructive from the supporters here. No debate, no discussion. Just calls to "adapt". Whatever that means. The only way I can think of to adapt to this situation quickly is to pull out the credit card. Which is what Kano wants us to do.
  18. clubber

    clubber Member

    Sorry but I'm lost here... Can anyone explain in detail what each squad class do?
  19. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Whomever said it doesn't unbalance thing needs to actually try fighting the one level 3000 on Myspace. I was just starting to win once in a while and now I'm nowhere close.

    I do believe it is time for me to quit bothering to spend $$ just got my arse handed to me for it.
  20. Roughneck Attack 1 Defense 1 Gives no % toward Hired Squad boost. Only purpose appears to be to allow players to bring in extra equipment in fights.

    Striker/Defenders serve the same purpose.

    Pointman is essentially a weaker combination of Striker/Defender. Striker gives you 120% of your attack as it's attack, whereas Defender gives you 120% of your defense as it's defense. Pointman gives you 90% of your attack and defense as it's own. One Pointman also gives you 2% toward Hired Squad attack and defense boost, meaning it'll only take five to get your 10% attack and 10% defense boosts.

    Brawler gives you 120% of your attack and defense as it's own, but offers no boost %.

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