[ZS] Hired Squad & Stamina Boost now here!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Deltan, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. I agree... I was looking forward to being able to put more of my real squad in my top and maintain my 10%
    Same plan for me, replace strikers and defenders with pointsmen at some point
  2. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Just to re-iterate guys, the total max boost for your top squad that you can get from hired is 10% for attack and 10% for defense. :)
  3. Seems to me, That now those people you used to beat up all the time are loaded and spending UN and now the game is Unbalanced. Nice job Kano, You didnt need to add all this complicated BS to the game, Just making it so you have to Spend, Kinda Stupid.. Fix things that need to be fixed.. Like Cheaters, Players with 15 alts, etc etc..
  4. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Where did the boost go?
  5. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    It's not unbalanced with a 10% max modifier. No worries.
  6. Another thing, its nice to know that all the ones that worked on balanced characters and didnt do the Lame Attack Builds or Defense Builds now are watching people all the sudden catch up with a snap of the fingers...
  7. Get over it. Games change. Players have to adapt.

    If you want a game that never changes, play a console game that has no new DLC scheduled for release, or a PC game with no expansions or updates.

    Players asked for larger squads, they got what they wanted.
  8. AlterEgoT

    AlterEgoT Well-Known Member

    Larger squads sort of ;)
  9. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Are you serious? So the extra squad with their extra weapons, gear, vehicles PLUS the hired squad attack/def aren't an imbalance?
  10. Honestly, unless you're a lower level player attacking a higher level player, I don't see the big deal.

    It's just more items you'll have to get (Boss drops, UN items, Craft Items) and more Hired Squad.

    Boosts will still be maxed at 10% and you'll only get boosts if the hired squad is in your Top Squad (In place of human players).

    It'll be Top Squad Strength vs enemy's Top Squad Defense;
    And also Hired Squad Strength vs Hired Squad Defense.

    From the looks of it. Don't want to lose? Use Defenders and load up on defensive heavy equipment. Want to win more? Load up on Strikers and attack heavy equipment.

    Want to be balanced? Load up on Pointmen/Brawlers.

    Hired Squad is also level restricted.
  11. And how do you suggest we adapt to this? This isn't just a change. This is a serious overhaul of long established game play. A few people asked for larger squads, but I'm certain this isn't what they had in mind. They wanted to add more friends to their top squad. They didn't ask for a UN money sink. And there certainly wasn't a huge outcry. Adaptation doesn't happen over night.
  12. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Really, that answer wasn't at all helpful. Please do not condescendingly lecture me on things I need to do. You don't see the big deal? This is a huge deal. Do you fight at all? If you did you would see what the big deal is. The imbalance is still there. Kano is forcing us to purchase UN. This completely changes the game, and not in a good way. This changes fighting by making skill points irrelevant. It is not bringing in anything new and positive to the game except that people with poor skill point allocations can now beat people who have built their skills.
  13. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    Okay, Along with the New Hired, I noticed the section that says this

    Any Hired Squad not added to your Top Squad will be added below and assist you in fights taking in inventory and using the specified attack and defense values.

    When Attacking / When Defending

    Its chooable between attacking and defending... and standard "when defending" is highlighted... meaning to me that you can change it to defense.


    The second you leave the page. It changes back to "when defeding" being highlighted again....

    This is either a BUG.. or it takes time for it to change....
  14. Players who bought UN have always overpowered those who didn't.

    I've come up against people with 20 limited weapons, gears, and vehicles at low levels in my time playing ZS and I could never win because I didn't spend money on UN to get those items for myself.

    I don't see why there's such an issue with adding more to the game that requires UN. What else are you using UN on? Stamina refills? Rockets? You don't have to buy UN, you know. You can just let it build up naturally.

    The Hired Squads are locked by level. One opens at 450, then another at 600, 750, 900, and 1050. It's not like you won't be given plenty of time to accumulate 25 UN points to fill in a slot.

    Explain to me what the biggest problem with this is. You'll have to spend more UN to build your character?
  15. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    How can people with poor skill points allocation beat people who have built their skills, hired stats are all based off of the individuals stats.
  16. I'm level 313, probably don't fight nearly as much as any of you folks do, but here ya go:

    Fights Won: 2,601 Fights Lost: 449
    Fight Kills: 181 Death Count: 11
    Survival Streak: 126 Annihilation Streak: 21
    Counter Attacks: 21

    Why are you being forced to buy UN? Explain how you're being forced.
  17. Kendall

    Kendall Administrator

    That is just to show which are used when attacking and which are used for defending. Basically gives you a view of what will be used in fights. Highest defenders are taken when defending and higher attackers when attacking.
  18. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Buy purchasing the new hired squad members and filling their sqd with them. People who haven't been able to beat me before are beating me now, and I am losing to those I usually beat.
  19. So purchase new squad members for defense to counter that.

  20. There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood Active Member

    Gee, thanks

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