[LCN] Higher xp range player attacking after getting the kill

Discussion in 'Bugs/Issues' started by Randy Jenkins, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member


    this player has killed me and has since attacked me over 100 times the player is out of my xp range and it is suppose to be when a higher level player kills you they can no longer attack you.
  2. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    if player is out of your range, that doesnt mean its out of his range.!!! remeeber both way 10% so little mroe lvls to down than up!!
    Kirsten likes this.
  3. RafeDavid

    RafeDavid Well-Known Member

    Obviously you either attacked or punched this player otherwise they would never be able to attack you if they are as high a level as you state. If you think the game is broken then open a ticket otherwise lick your wounds and get back to the game. Energy and stamina are not your friends if you want to be strong.
  4. marine

    marine New Member

    he attacking me everyday my level is 1652
  5. Seppo

    Seppo Active Member

    u punch u open for him her for 24h....
    Kirsten likes this.
  6. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

  7. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    you punched and yes you are his for 24 hours until he/she kills you, do not punch higher levels, just ignore them, and read up on the game, many issues can be avoided if people only read the info on the games
  8. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    I think if the player is 4989 and I am only and I am 2674 I am out of this player's xp range
  9. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    this player killed me yet even know this player is attacking and I know how the game works I been playing for long enough. this is the forum to report bugs and issues. This higher level player knows how the game works to when they kill a lower level player they can't attack the lower level player unless the lower level player attacks,punches or lists the higher level player which is not the case.
  10. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    you opened yourself up for attacks because you punched the player
  11. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    again you need to remove your post, it is against the TOS of the forum to post anyone's profile like you did, send a ticket in with said screen shot, but remove it from here, Kano will anyway, but you can remove it , yourself
  12. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    This is the forum to report bugs and issues I also opened a ticket
  13. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    he can still list or punch you , but he should not be able to attack you , regardless if the window is closed with a kill
  14. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

  15. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    LOL well yelling about it, is not gonna help, all I was saying that he shouldn't be able, if he has killed you , unless you opened the window to you , you said you sent a ticket, and having your link posted in the lounge is very common, not sure how long ya playing and I hope Kano can tell you why he can still attack since you have not opened the window by reacting in the game to him, by punching or trapping or any actions. good luck PS.. ( and having your link posted in the lounge is very common,)
  16. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

  17. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    it is common to post a player's link in the lounge but every hour of every day. I apologize for the caps was not intentional! I understand this player shouldn't be able to attack after he killed me but i am also seeing other high level players attacking and I never opened any window for them to attack. not being able to post player's profile page I can't show the screen shots of them but there added to my ticket so it is not just this player it is others.
  18. Randy Jenkins

    Randy Jenkins Active Member

    I just want Kano to read the ticket so I posted in here hoping someone from there will see this post
  19. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes it is, very common as you can only punch, whip, etc once an hours and most of us keep the link up front and easy for people to find it, and In my experience the target is a big mouth in tavern/lounge or WC , might pick on lowers, and there are always bigger fish in the sea, we all like to also post the punch /whip numbers and when someone gets the kill it is a party lol
  20. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    depending on when you sent the ticket, and I believe Support is being handled by one person at the moment, and there are 4 games and 4 platforms, so it might take a bit longer, just don't reply to it before hearing from kano cause that will push the original ticket back in the line :)

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