hide status

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by ATHEISTIC SATANIST, May 14, 2011.


hide status

  1. yes(free and forever)

    9 vote(s)
  2. no

    4 vote(s)
  3. yes(favor points and for 24hrs)

    1 vote(s)
  1. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

  2. anyone going to vote??
  3. Doesnt really matter whether your offline or online, you still can be attacked killed and you still show up on the Fight list.. So this is really a waste of time and of course in the right hand corner it shows when you are playing some facebook game..
  4. im sorry if facebook blows that

    but on myspace and hi5 it most defo does not
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I voted no.

    Reason being: When I'm online everyone seems to sit in the er, so I have to go to their profiles and keep hitting attack if I wanna try and catch them healing up. I think if they could hide when their online, i'm not gonna bother to watch them so they will be free to heal and get themselves back into the er without me being the one to put them there. This would not be good.
  6. Always liked the idea of being able to hide online status however it would take alot of doing to make it effective. Whether or not if you show up as online there's just so many ways to know if a person is online or not. I love the idea but don't know if it could be pulled off effectively. For me I would like to hide status so I can catch bounties people don't want to throw up while Im online. The obvious problem would be as soon as I caught one bounty I would be found out lol. So... In theory it sounds fun and interesting but simply wouldn't be very effective. The most effective way is to simply stay logged in all the time thus masking your status. Can someone think this through and tell me how it could be done and totally hide whether or not you are online? Seriously, as soon as you did Anything at all you are found out. It may work well for lower level clans to simply keep their names off the fight list from time to time if they find themselves being jumped on every single time they heal. Kano may just be able to get like 1 favor point for a limited offline status for let's say 30 or 60 minutes from these folks. It just won't work well for higher clans where most folks know each other and have a limited amount of clans showing up on the fight list. Maybe I need to brainstorm a bit more on this subject but I do like the idea in general.
  7. Hiding the status is going to do what?? Keep yourself from being attacked or killed.. If your within level you are coming up on the fightlist No MATTER ONLINE OR OFFLINE..

    Therefore this makes no sense or difference.. Now if you say if your offline and Kano should keep you off the fightlist then you are hurting everyone especially higher levels from finding people to fight..

    And yes on facebook up in the right hand corner it shows people that are logged on and playing

    If you are attacking off the Hitlist then you shouldnt be allowed to Hide your status anyways..
  8. Purk

    Purk New Member

    How about this

    change the poll:
    a-hide from clans
    b-hide from enemies
    c-hide from both

    Good option if you want to puzzle your attackers, but then how far you can lied if attacker's newsfeed shown that you are attacking his clan?.It doesn't make sense.whether you are online or not, that don't change the game anyway

    Announce the poll at Kano world chat. How about that?

    ~Are you hiding? I can see your feet and your hair;)~
  9. Ace

    Ace Member

    The main point of this is to feign being offline when you're in the hospital and a punch party on your head starts, it'd be very frustrating for you attackers, and that's what makes me like it haha

    And Johnny, you can already hide the right corner thingie pretty easily, and even if you don't, only your FB friends can see that, and not anyone else.
  10. Bo Baby

    Bo Baby Member

    obviously if they find u it is not gonna stop them from punching u, whether u show up with an online status and if u dont heal then u will be dead

    this status would be more for the people that list while others are offline but i still dont like the idea and with syn wars going on it doesnt matter if u show up online or not bc ur still gonna die...NOBODY IS SAFE...lol
  11. So what

    So what Member

    r o f l m a o

  12. There is no reason to hide offline. People are smart enough with links to punch party most people anyways... We already have the Hide your faction from everyone, now people want to hide ... Actually all the scared hiders why dont you just find another game to play so you dont die.

    I suggest Cafe World, Farmville, Frontierville and whatever other Peace loving game you want to play...

    The fact is if you are offline than you cant hunt, fight or nothing.. If you want all that then you cannot be hiding..

    You people want to make this a Sissy game.

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