hi5 Transfer Packages are here!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Loren

    Loren Administrator

    Just posted an update that has the subscribe link right on the page. If you reload your transfer page, you should have everything you need.

    A note to all other players still waiting on transfers, we will be sending out a batch of emails today which will include links to transfer your account.
  2. Jamie Mobs

    Jamie Mobs New Member

    @ loren, I sent you an Privite message, please read, i need your help....
  3. Loren

    Loren Administrator


    Anyone else sending me a private message, please read through this forum post before doing so. Most of the answers you need should be in here.
  4. Mihai Rat

    Mihai Rat New Member

    Loren .. nobody answered my problem ... can you help me?
  5. Mihai Rat

    Mihai Rat New Member

    It's like i'm invisible .. to all administrators .. you should be ashamed!!!!!!
  6. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    yes. some hi5 players got 8000 fp. keep in mind that those of us who did, played mob wars for more than 2 years every single day. i had more than 850 days played at lvl 1810 and i was small compared to some other players. how can you really compensate the thousands of hours spent on the game, the many many thousands of items crafted in the workshop and even more boss drops? and lets do a simple math. lets just say i start at lvl 1 with those points, 5000 goes to hired guns right? another 100 goes to the character change and im left with 2900 at a very small level and with no real mobs. i cant get any boss drops for a while, i cant play like i did on hi5 for at least a few months. and after that comes the struggle to level up again... so its not as easy as you might think. if this post cant convince you it means you're not really a passionate player like most of us were on hi5...
  7. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    all of us wanted a 1:1 transfer but kano said it cant be done in the allocated time by hi5 so if we want to continue we have to do it like this. dont you think i preferred to get all my inventory moved here? and save me the time of crafting all those items again and hunting all those bosses again???
  8. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    Sorry that you feel cheated, but we felt this was the best way to keep it fair for both sides. 1:1 transfer was out of the question due to the differences in player landscape and game environments. The points packages we feel are quite fair. As far as a lottery glitch, there is no glitch, nor does it give hi5 players an edge in this transfer as we based points on a point frozen in time before the mass purchasing began.
  9. Clue

    Clue New Member

    Deltan...I missed my package yesterday on hi5...will I get anything on my email...or not?
  10. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    hi5 coin purchases are not the same rates that facebook or myspace offer points at. That makes a difference as well. This factored into to the scaling of our points in the transfers.
  11. Clue

    Clue New Member

    Pff any Admin can answer me pls???
  12. Deltan

    Deltan Member

    If we have an email for you, yes.
  13. Clue

    Clue New Member

    hordyus@yahoo.com...it should be there I was playing for about 900 days...and I subscribed it a few times....I won't be online tonight its 21:00 hours here...I'll check my email in the morning...I hope this offer won't be today yes and tomorrow end.
  14. Mihai Rat

    Mihai Rat New Member

    Hi Deltan .. can you please tell me why none of the administrators are answering me? Can you help me?
  15. carlos

    carlos New Member

    me too help me please
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    This whole situation in regards to Hi5 bailing, the displaced players, packages and the impact it has and will have on seasoned players on MS/FB is without a doubt the most insane thing that as ever happened with Kano games. I struggle nearly everyday with all the intricacies that must have and will be involved as Kano and its players on both networks continue to move forward. The only real certainty here is that Hi5 network is simply a bunch of scumbags (the company...not its former players). I hope they fail miserably and that every player of every network will spread the word in an effort t o crush them bastards. I know I certainly will

    Although I did not not have the carpet pulled out from under me like Hi5 players did , I did go from being the #1 player in VC to starting completely over at level 1. The diff being that I made conscious choice to do so. I cant imagine how some of you guys and gals must have felt with the complete uncertainty of it all and the emotion, time and/or monies wrapped up in your accounts. Most if not all of you have handled it 1000 times better than I would have

    As Ive said dozens of time before....I may very well be both Kanos biggest supporter and the biggest thorn in their side. But at this moment with all things considered both good and bad with this whole ordeal.....Im very proud of Kano for stepping up and meeting this challenge head on where others companies simply bailed on their customers. It s been a daunting task of which I hope most will understand that can never be made 100% right for anyone involved. So I for one would like to personally thank Kano for not deserting their customers and their valiant efforts to make things as right as they could with the least amount of negative impact. TY KANO!

    With all that said...I think the troubles generated by this unfortunate event are far from over and will continue to haunt Kano, its players and these forums for a long long time. As we move forward with this merger...I promise to do my best to look at the inevitable issues that will arise with compassion for the Hi5 players, understanding for Kano and fairness for the the players of MS and FB.

    There is no package deal that can truly compensate for what the Hi5 players have lost, but with that said I sure hope that the Hi5 player will recognize the fact that anything is better than nothing. Kano wasnt bound to do anything....they simply did it because they wanted to. I hope you players take a minute to realize that for many of you this a great opportunity to start completely over knowing now what u didnt know then. Like I said earlier, I went from being the #1 player to starting over from square 1. ...much like you.."knowing now what I didnt know then allowed me to get back to #1 in but a fraction of the time with a much stronger account that I had initially. I didnt have a package deal to start over with.... so for those of u that do...I expect great things.

    The question of the fairness of these package deals has been raised by players of MS/FB. Like I said previously...there is nothing that can truly compensate...but I do see some validity in some of players concerns. There is no doubt that starting over at level 1 with with 8k FP offers a huge advantage over every other player in MS or FB. The player Ive quoted did a little math and Ive got to admit that it is a lil hard to wrap my mind around the advantage it does present. I know this player didnt cover everything...but he covered a few of the basics..

    With 8k FP at level 1 u can purchase all your hired clan for 5k FP. Full hired clan at level1? It sure makes me feel sy for the newbs coming in off the streets and starting at level 1 with nothing (they wont stand a chance). Any player that gets enough FP to get all there hired clan from the get go is in short order going to be trouncing on some very established players hundreds if not thousands of levels a head of them. Dont take me wrong here...Im not concerned for myself at all...but with players that powerful at such a low level...I would imagine Kano has to be concerned with the new players or even established lower to mid level players quitting in record numbers as they realize they in no way compete with this new crowd of uber powerful accounts.

    The hired clan thing is just the tip of the iceberg. with the abundance of FP available to these players at such a low level....can u imagine the empire they could have? Dump a few hundred FP into the lotto that pays off at a 50% rate and were looking at whole new population of the mega rich.

    I can undoubtedly go on forever with all the advantages that many FP at those levels affords....but I think I've made my point. Once again...dont take me wrong...Im extremely glad that the Hi5 players were allowed some compensation. I would even go as far that some deserve even more. My main concern is the impact it will have on the established community and those newbs just starting out. Did U at Kano consider allotting the FP given in increments as these players rose in level? If this is possible..I would think it would go a long way in lessening the immediate impact on the established community while still allowing these displaced players an opportunity to start again.

    For all guys and gals that will be joining us here in MS and FB ...WELCOME TO OUR COMMUNITIES! I know it wont be quite the same but just remember that u have an opportunity to be bigger an better than ever b4. I wish u success and Good times. ENJOY!
  17. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    i dont want to quote you as its a massive post on your end. you're completely right in everything you said except the hired guns thing. we cant buy all 1000 at once as the game doesnt allow so many mobs at first. there is max cap (dont know what it is) and it increases by 2/level so its not a massive mob starting over... and i think i speak for everyone when i say we would of gladly taken our full accounts here instead of hte points package. as kano themselves pointed out you guys are stronger than us on some of the games. even so it is what it is and we the players cant do anything about it. thumbs up for kano for providing this emergency plan but its not all well as some of you think... just an example. i attack anyone on my fight list and i cant get more than 10 xp with my lvl 140 mob wars character so its not easy at all...
  18. Zmeu

    Zmeu New Member

    le di transferir y no me ha llegado nada a la cuenta del face y l apgina del hi ya no esta disponible desde ayer como puedo hacerle
  19. Zmeu

    Zmeu New Member

  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Good point about the cap....had forgotten about that. TY! Ive no doubts that most of u would have preferred a full transfer. I hope u didnt misunderstand my post...it certainly wasnt intended to offend. where as nothing is easy...it will certainly be easier than those that start from square 1 with nothing/ Good Luck!

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