hi5 Transfer Packages are here!

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Deltan, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. satan the black

    satan the black New Member

    am scaree....what do i do... i cant transferrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:::::!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....when i be able to do that
  2. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I don't know times mate, i'm just a player like you. But Kendall said they will be sending an email out to those who didn't get on in time to claim their packages.

    Just sit tight for now. Kano have gone to a lot of trouble to make these packages so I see no reason why they wouldn't want everyone to get theirs.
  3. dre1978

    dre1978 Banned

    did have my email updated in the game unti'll a few days ago... havent recieved a pakage yet.. idk... maybe my games gone now?:(
  4. DoNRaDu

    DoNRaDu Member

    or maybe they are just sleeping??? you should also consider the time difference... their hq is in Canada so do the math and wait
  5. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    Very good point. (I think) it's almost 2am where Kanoapps are.
  6. Maler

    Maler Member

    i can't believe i'm saying this, but i am actually quite happy with how they settled things. could've been a lot better, but also, it could've been a lot worse. all in all, i'll live to play another day :)
  7. Florea Cristian

    Florea Cristian New Member

    many players are not recived they package from hi5, we must wait an e-mail from kanno?
  8. Craig Garner

    Craig Garner Member

    Thanks Eric, im not looking to make a big song and dance as i said already its good to have Hi5 join us and im sure they appreciate what you guys at Kano have done for them i know if the shoe was on the other foot i'd hope you'd do the same for us. I know you just want an easy fix that suits everyone (unlikely lol) so i wont be trying to make waves.

    My only concern is the 8000 Gf. Many facebook players wanted a reset feature early on that they never got as they came to LCN and set up as if it was MW's problem was it wasnt so we all had a real slow start to the game. Im not saying i want to reset as im now finally set up in a way i can make for the boards but im confident with 8000 gf from lvl 1 i'll fly 2000 mob and a level partner to set us up with high stamina then id have a massive ammout of gf points to buy refills and move at an unbelievable rate. I can see trouble ahead is all.

    My feelings are that all Hi5 players should of been handed the skill points they had previously aquired in the other network and the only GF points to be given out were to those who could prove their purchase's (i know i can) 8000gf points + 1 gf per lvl since they are starting at lvl 1 is one hell of an advantage over facebook players in my eyes. Not syaing im right but im sure everyone, facebook and Hi5 players can all see my genuine concern.

    Guess we'll just have to see how it goes as there is no perfect fix

    Again Welcome to the Hi5 bunch its nice to have you guys with us :)
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2012
  9. Craig Garner

    Craig Garner Member

    Carefull there .... no Bots in fb just look at the levels of players in Hi5 compared to FB Hi5 hit lvls of 8000+ facebook 5000+ if facebook was all bots wouldnt the lvls exceed Hi5 ?
  10. Craig Garner

    Craig Garner Member

    Wasn't having a go at Hi5 Guys, as i said im glad to see new players in the game and yeah i stand by what i said "cheated" if you go look at my more recent post you should see why. But dont think for 1 second i dont feel you guys wern't well and truly shafted by Hi5.

    Trust me those guys with 8000gf will play and you keep a close eye and watch how fast the exceed there original accounts in Hi5. some of the players from Hi5 made lvl 8k thats 8000 gf points they will earn AGAIN ontop of the 8000 gf points they have been given 16000 gf points pffft work it out bud i spend good money on the game but could't afford a fraction of those SIXTEEN THOUSAND god father points. They are going to have 1000 hired guns from lvl 1 so all the gf points they earn on top of the remainder gf points after buying hg's will all go on stamina refills (once they have max 3k stamina) A straight account transfer would of been the lesser of the two evils i think as we could chase the levels. But how can we compete against a player buying his way to the top.
  11. I agree with Craig...

    Is it right that accounts start over at Level 1 with Godfather points, if you are giving hi5 players a choice, give us that choice too... I'd have my 2000 Mob in an instant, then level up as quickly as possible, and be in a much better place...

    We don't have the choice to start over with a crap load of Godfather points, and with Skill points we can allocate anywhere, no one else gets a second chance to start over, so why should anyone?

    What was the issue from transferring people's full accounts? They will get there again in no time anyway, lol...

    Anyway no offense, hi5 guys and welcome to the Bot free Facebook LCN :)
  12. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Craig, from my part you can relax. On hi5 I lvled with a few lvling partners, and I made 3870 lvls in Mob Wars and had my second place on the leaderbord, had the best boss drop armors, weapons and vehicles, in the last months I helped only the Havana and Paris bosses, because I was full with Asis, Hitman and rest. Now I lost all of my equipment, lvls, stats and achievements. From now on I will play more relaxed and I don't care about your leaderbords, I just play from curiosity to see whats new in the game, and If I make only 1-2 lvls in a day or week its fine for me. But I am not gonna spend more time to lvl with partners.
  13. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    I agree, it does seem a bit much and especially the option where they can be at a level and reallocate skills.
  14. Man Ish

    Man Ish New Member

    I had updated my email on time but was not able to transfer the account on facebook.......they had said they are sending emails....but I have not received any email till now.......what to do to get the transfer options??????????
  15. Man Ish

    Man Ish New Member

    I was playing PIRATE CLAN......SO tell me as sson as possible
  16. Viliam

    Viliam New Member

    I think there is a missunderstanding here. Not everyone gets this amount of GF. 8.000 GF were given to a player of MobWars. In Hi5 MobWars there were no players above level 4.000 and he was one of top 5 on leaderboard with full mobsters (1.000 friends and 1.000 hired). So if he gets all hired mobsters, that is already 5.000 GF and he is left with 3.000 GF. So this is ok I suppose, but not nearly as perfect as you make it sound. You must take into account that no one will give us back the time we "wasted" on the game (for me personaly that is almost 2 years). We have to start from scratch. Many of us had huge arsenals of best boss drops, best crafted items, high number of achievements, my combined stats were over 12.000, players higher on the leaderboard had even more and all of that is gone. Also, believe me 99% of MobWars players from Hi5 would be more pleased if they got 1:1 transfer to FB or MS.

    I´m at work so I couldn´t post right away and I see there are some comments made in the mean time, but I´ll leave mine as it is.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2012
  17. krokus

    krokus New Member

    I wish I had my Pirate Clan transfer 1:1. Still lets wait for the transfer to FB as it is, its better than nothing.

    Best Regards
    Von Tyranossauro Rex
    Velociraptor - Armada
  18. Lil Jonny

    Lil Jonny Member

    My concern isn't the points, i don't personally care if you guys get 100,000 points... All i personally care about is the sound of you guys allowed to be offered a level and let you guys allocate skills. That would screw over the flow of the game forever.

    For example you guys could be set at say level 600 and all you'd need to do is add all attack/defence and you'd be invincible forever as no one could possibly level daily and beat you.

    Understand my issue?
  19. Gazember

    Gazember Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    Lil Jonny, the Package 2 option was available only for the people who spent a lot of money on the game, and the skill points they received was their new lvl * 5. A friend of mine who had 3000 lvls before and spent a lot of real money on the game had an option to start from around lvl 500 and start with 500*5 unallocated skill points. I don't see how this would turn over the flow of the game forever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 29, 2012
  20. Man Ish

    Man Ish New Member

    HELL with the flow of the game
    Can anyone tell???????....except the answer"""""""we are sending emails""""""
    I have not received a single word till now ..........I think emails are fast enough that they can reach us by now.....
    No one can stop them in their way...LOL

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