from my standpoint, I was being attacked by someone at my level , in the 400's, in VC, had just started playing after all my time in PC, so i am going along nicely and the other day this guy is attacking me ,at the end of his tirade over 127 times a few bounties all in one day, he went thru my counters,( even got an achievement for setting counter , lol okay no biggie but none of my long time friends can even answer a axe slap him since he has protections for 30 days, looking further into it I see he has 1500 clan and he is from hi5 according to his armada motto, so it works both ways, when I saw that hi5 players were being attacked my fb or myspace players, here is the complete opposite, I have been claning with anyone who I can find, and am only at 520 , mostly real people, so just saying,
well 2 more days and his protection is gone ,muhahahahahahahahaha
speaking of the devil he just showed up again 44 attacks half of them thru counters, hope he enjoys his ride the next 3 days , cause then Kaboom lol all his chieftens that he bought are not gonna do him much good then
Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2012