Godfather bundles...

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Blue Nose, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Why are these available on Kong and not Armor?

    This seems somewhat unfair.
    The Navigator likes this.
  2. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    Is this true? You should try to contact Mitch or wait for the TGIF to reveal more information.
  3. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Double checked myself as it seemed a little bit strange to me but I definitely can't see them available anywhere on Armor.

    I'll see if Mi7ch sees this.
  4. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    We'll just have to wait. It won't take long.;)
  5. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    This IS true. At present time we do not have the ability to offer these pay for cash style bundles on anything but Facebook and Kong. However, it is something we would like to do in the near future.
    The Navigator likes this.
  6. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Is there not a way of evening the playing field?
  7. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    Thank you for your FAST answer.
    Smack likes this.
  8. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    For the duration of this Spring Ahead event there is not. As I said it is something we would like to implement soon not only for Armor but also for KanoPlay Servers 1 & 2.
  9. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Fair enough, I don't really know the ins and outs of it so can't complain too much.

    Worth remembering though that Armor players are in direct competition with Kong so they're really disadvantaged by this.
    The Navigator likes this.
  10. Jared

    Jared Well-Known Member

    Welcome! This is one of many differences between games and platforms. Some things are available to some and not others.
  11. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Yeah it just seems odd that two sets of players who are directly competing with each other are offered different packages. Seems armor are at a huge disadvantage which I hadn't realised up to this point.

    Aside from Kong chat and these bundles what are the other differences between Armor and Kong? :confused:
    The Navigator likes this.
  12. Applejack

    Applejack Active Member

    no war mode on pirates, for one
  13. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    Zombie slayer also doesn't have war mode.
    Doesn't Armorgames have chat?
  14. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    Well that is a game difference not a platform difference, PC has cage matching, no other game has that no matter what platform. FB is a social network,none of the other platforms are, that is he biggest difference within the platforms, more social,equals, more players :)
  15. Jaegermeister

    Jaegermeister Active Member

    not just that, no godfather hits on kong (apparently), things are available on fb that aren't available to anyone else, changes are being held up because they can't be implemented on fb, and ideas are on hold because of fb updates.
  16. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    It's got the chat that's shared with Kong. World, Synd, Jobs, Groups... No armor chat as such.
  17. Blue Nose

    Blue Nose Active Member

    Yeah a different game is a different game. The players aren't actively fighting each other. I was just wondering whether there are other advantages of being a kong player over an armor player or vice versa.
    The Navigator likes this.
  18. Kirsten

    Kirsten Well-Known Member

    All I hear from kong players is the same as the old myspace players, and that is less and less players, Armor?? no idea but because those three are not social networks there would be less players, sometime FB also has special sales, on all games,don't know about kong or armor.
  19. The Navigator

    The Navigator Active Member

    Special sales? Oh yes there are on Kong.
    Kirsten likes this.

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