Not really sure about this one but there seems to have been a change to the way that returned gifts are selected from the wishlist when you use the Chieftains Alert icon. Gifts used to be chosen from right to left (from your clan member's wishlist) until a gift that could be given was found. Now it seems to be somewhat random with priority given to the right-hand side where all the lower level gifts get placed. I have gone to the profile page of at 6 clan who sent me gift and there really is a strong bias towards the left even though the higher level items could be given. For the six they received their gift #3 #5 #3 #5 #1 #2 so in only 1 case was the preferred gift at #1 given. Am I right in thinking this behaviour has been changed or am I just imagining things?
LMAO....that is funny. In more ways than one..almost makes ya wonder if someone complained about that particular gift.
You are imagining things This has always chosen a random gift from their wishlist for you to send back. You have also noticed we pruned some of our gifts as the list of options was getting immense. We will likely rotate some of these back in throughout the year, especially anything seasonal. However I liked the Axe Polish... Gotta keep those shiny! I'll see if I can't get that re-introduced.
Good news... May your axes never grow dull in lustre ever again. The Axe Polish has been brought back
What about the Mischievous Spirit ? Can you re-introduce that as well ? I'm asking because i don't have it and i don't even know it's stats. Pretty please
Mischievous Spirit is 14 att 14 def. However it will not be re-introduced at this time. You might see it in the future though. Axe Polish *had* to be brought back. Axe's don't slice through enemies nearly as smooth if the sides are dull and tarnished. Much easier to clean when polished as well.
Well whatever the problem was (possibly due to removing some gifts from the list) all is now well in my gift-giving world and the Sigil of Odin once more reigns supreme. Now if only they would do something with the utterly useless Mystery Bag (hint: put in the warrior equivalent of the SoOdin at say, [31/29])