Yeah I was informed at halftime that today is Canadian Thanksgiving.
Still, this was immediately after I claimed a bounty. I got the bounty, clicked bounty again to refresh the list... and on that click, I was frozen.
The automation might want to give some leeway when it comes to the bounty list, either healing while on it, or hunting it.
Kendall maybe you can answer a question I've sent to support three different times without getting an answer to.
What exactly constitutes automation?
To me, Automation botting and scripts are all the same thing, a program or other software that makes the mouse clicks for you without need of any human component.
I ask because I have a gaming system. My desktop is set up for gaming, I've invested a pretty penny into it. Not just the 3GB triple output videocard, but even my keyboard and mouse are specifically designed for gaming. I don't have the standard 2 button 1 wheel mouse.
My mouse has several features for gaming, including autofire clicking that gives around 300 clicks per second, auto recall, (set the mouse over a point and hold down palm button for 2 seconds, then anytime I press the palm button for less than 2 seconds the mouse instantly goes back to that point on the screen) 2 right click and 2 left click buttons. I do not use 3rd party software to play, just Google Chrome web browser.
Does my system constitute automation? If so, where on the ToS does it state the maximum system resources that may be used on the game?
Or at the very least, what do I need to show to Kano so that my account won't be getting frozen in the future?
Yes I have several strategies I've pointed out on these forums before, that are unorthodox, yet legal that I use to gain an advantage. Using two computers at one time for instance. I find that one an excellent counter for some individuals ambush bots.... well I say bot, only because their ambushes come at exactly 1.5 second intervals consistently. Or even using my laptop where I can simply tap two places on the screen constantly to get an edge up.
Should I be penalized simply because I have invested in my electronics, or for thinking creatively within the boundaries of the ToS as it is written? How is that any different than the $20 a week I've sent to Kano for UN/Favor points for over a year now? Minus the fact that my hardware serves more purposes than simply a single game where as Favor points aren't even cross game.
Last edited: Oct 11, 2011