Freezing accounts without good reason

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Jillian Thyra Johansson, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Playing for extended periods is not suspicious play. The player had over 11k WP yes...that is what he was doing. He has nearly nobody in the guild wars in his clan and if your manning the rival page and bounty page u can score limitesly.

    To say a guild should be penalized for a single players suspected actions or because he was frozen would mean your guild would be shut down period...give me a break!

    Officers in a guild r and should be responsible for keeping a member up to date on matters that relate to guild play.

    If a player is indeed found to be cheating...then by all means their points should be stricken. But the current way Kano does things is in such a way that players who r simply suspected or even a glitch freezes them instantly.....then the majority are thawed upon explanation and found not to be many cases the damage is already done and can not be set straight
  2. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Lmao....thats not a bad idea!
  3. I'm not sure, Yooper, but it does seem as if a person gets flagged if their game play varies from their norm? idk I usually have my game up 24/7, lol, to fool my enemies into thinking I'm online. But, now that I've said that, it probably won't work. haha

    Btw, I hear by answering you, I'm talking to myself? Have you heard that you're me too? lol Where do these people get these crazy ideas? Anyway, my guild member has been unfrozen. Thank you Kano.

    Please consider an alternative for any future freezings.....especially if the person is part of a guild or armada cuz it really screws 24 others as well as the possibly innocent person being frozen.

    End of thread, thanks for your comments everyone.......well, ALMOST everyone. :)
  4. gene illugi

    gene illugi Active Member

    of course "extended play" is suspicious . humans require time for rest , food , time to use the rest room . if someone is online and active for extended periods of time , how is this being accomplished ? even insomniacs need to sleep eventually . multiple players on one account ? that's against the rules . drugs ? i would say that's cheating though kano is not the DEA . even drug users would "crash" sooner or later and be inactive . i guess we're back to multiple players playing one account . if kano sent an message and the player didn't answer the suspension should hold . the player is responsible to answer kano's prompt . if the player missed it , tough .

    and as i said i believe there should be some guild accountability . lets see the guilds have to police themselves . lets get rid of the cheats . i've said it before and i'll keep saying it , DELETE THE CHEATS .
  5. JJ. I was referring to activity on the account most of the day everyday. Not just showing on-line around the clock. U is me and me is U??? The only one I've ever heard that from was Donar. But, if others are saying it also. Then I welcome them to my "fan" club. Always room for another hater....lmao
  6. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member must be having this convo with yourself...where was it said or even implied that this player never ate or slept? If someone had their account up and was actively playing for 24 hrs day after day...then yes...I would say that looks awfully suspicious. I obviously cant say for certain that this wasnt case....but u cant say it was the case either.

    Kano does not message players whos accounts r frozen...the way it stands now is that its the players responsibility to contact Kano once theyve been frozen....wherein lies the problem...if someone is frozen can have a adverse affect on more than just the one player. If Kano notified a player first.....than this negative impact could be lessened. I agree...if a player is notified and doesnt respond in a reasonable amount of time (24 hrs)....then Kano should go ahead and freeze the account until they r heard from.

    It looks as if the player in question has been it indeed does appear that justice has been served. TY Kano.

    As for u Gene...I suggest u get back to policing your guild....I will anxiously await the mass firing ;)
  7. Giving someone advanced notice of being punished is laughable.

    "Hey, we're going to lock your account unless you respond to us in 24 hours."

    Which is easily solved by... simply responding.
  8. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Your missing the point. The majority of players that r frozen r thawed the next day when found that it was done in error. Although it would be an inconvenience...its not the end of the world if a player missed out on a little playing time. The issue is when and if it has an adverse affect on an entire guild. If a guild is competing in both guild wars and season points and a player from that guild is frozen whether justly or unjustly a decision must be made as to scrap one competition or the other....either they can drop the player and lose all there WP or they can keep them and hope that Kano reinstates them in time to get their dailies done. Season play comes down to mere minutes every week between guilds with perfect for guilds that r in contention if they lose even partial points they automatically have no shot at first place.

    This might not be a big deal to u and so be it....but for guilds that pride themselves and go the extra mile to remain competitive every week...its very important.

    In this case Kano was able to get things cleared up in time and the gamble we took payed off. TY KANO!
  9. Stevie Mac

    Stevie Mac Member

    I think I made the point that I understand totally why Kano does do this but I am simply saying the system such as it is, remains and is flawed. I logged into to be greeted with the message that I had been picked up by the automated system which is 'rarely wrong'. This statement in itself implies that Kano know it can and does make mistakes - it's not a criticism, merely a point I am making. If there is no better system then not much can be done about it but surely there is no harm in saying there is flaws and ask for the system such as it is to be looked at again and judging by some of the responses it does seem my story and situation is not an isolated incident...

    So for the record, I appreciate Kano cares enough to try and keep cheating, botting, etc out of game but merely ask is there no better way of doing it? Also when I said about responding, Kano to then question the player and ask them to explain any irregularities. Innocent until proven guilty and btw I waited 3 days for my suspension to be lifted, received no apology, lost boss rewards, challenge expired etc when I had done nothing wrong. I could have proved this if I had simply been asked to explain is all I am saying.......
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2012
  10. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    Well, it is bad for the guild that have no cheaters in their ranks when one of their own gets banned for suspicious behaviour.

    On the other hand, if they truly catch someone who is cheating, it's a nice way to punish the entire Guild/Armada/Syndicate/Faction that at least tolerated the cheating player.

    By the way, I'm rather convinced that a good percentage of the unfreezings aren't done due to "We made a mistake, sorry." but due to "We can't prove anything, and it's 'Not guilty' until proven otherwise."
  11. lowfell driver

    lowfell driver New Member

    i only have 1 question why would you freeze a high level account just for being on the hitlist to long ?high level equals high health deff etc
    unless you know they are using scripts or bots or what ever but if its just on someone saying things thats wrong but if you have the proof then great delete the account show you mean it no proof then no freeze
  12. Das liebe Beil

    Das liebe Beil Well-Known Member

    I guess you or the person you talk about triggered the anti-bot system, most likely when the clicking came too regularly. Complaining on the forum will not help you, though.
  13. Lady Jewels

    Lady Jewels Member

    Here's a thought, since everyone seems to be cheating, or accusing everyone of cheating, and because nobody can be controlled, lets just end the rules. Anything goes. No more rules. Jungle more regulations. All you all use bots, use multiple accounts, get on everyone else accounts and call everyone else someone else. Oh, isn't that what is already happening? Should we ask Gene? Or yoopy? What do you think JJ? Or am I the one talking to myself now? Since I am JJ, right? Good heavens, go back to playing, quit whining, and less interference from Kano would be optimal. If you guys only realized that Big Brother looking over your shoulder isn't always a great thing. Kano does what they can to monitor, but you all are paranoid, seriously. I don't think as much is going on as you all think.

    Speaking as myself...knowing I am not everyone thinks I am, I am Lady Jewels. If I know that for a fact, then I know that other things are not what the rest of you crazy people think they are. Quit complaining, go back to playing, and since I have been frozen for suspicious game play myself, a note to Kano, we are all human, we all deviate from the norm. We are human and thus we are unpredictable. We all have times we may stay up for days playing being depressed, then not play for a month or two because life gets in the way. We may be sick and thus stay at home not able to leave and have extra time to play, or we may be kept away at work and have family issues get in the way of our game play. At the end of the day, we are all the same. Humanly unpredictable. The new features bring new unpredictability into the game. It is no fun for any of us to be accused unfairly and the system is defiantly flawed. All of us need a chance to get to give our side before we get frozen. Because at one time or another this game may be important to us. If Kano cares about its players it should be a policy to cater to its players first, and give that opportunity.

    Second I do not feel there are necessarily any bad people in the game, just enemies. Once facades are broken down, we are all just the same. Remember people, it is just game play, there are real humans behind the screen. Treat others the way you wanna be treated. Have fun, I don't see a lot of you out there having much fun anymore. If you are one of those, maybe it is time for a respite from the game, it will be here when you are ready to come back.

    As always, xoxo;)
  14. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Well said Jewels!
  15. ROFLMFAO!!!! Now why am I not surprised that U mentioned my name. Too funny. I'm not the one who got the player frozen. I never said anything negative about anyone in this. May want to read the whole thing first before u start running ur lip about me.
  16. Dunk Nielsen

    Dunk Nielsen Member

    this better get fixed ASAP ........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was bounty hunting and i got 10-15 bountys and was clicking non stop and u pull this shit on me WTF fix it NOW

    Your account has been frozen due to irregular/suspicious behavior!
    Your account has been temporarily frozen for 7 days due to irregular/suspicious behavior that has been detected by our software and logged to your account. If you can explain the actions logged to your account contact us but do not expect an immediate response as we do get many requests to process and our software rarely makes any mistakes. Below is an excerpt from our Terms of Service:

    List of Things That Will Get Your Account Disabled
    * Using more than one account.
    * Using any kind of bot, script, or automated method to play the game for you.
    * Making real-world threats or slander to any other player in the game.

    If You Cheat, Your Account Will Be Disabled
    * No exceptions.
    * No second chances.
    * No whining.
    * No refunds.
  17. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    While guild wars has not hit pirate clan yet so it doesn't effect armadas. I will have to say that there are individuals who do get banned or frozen by accident for clicking to fast in the game. Does that constitute them as a cheater no. It just means there playing there game the way they choose to. Myself i have been frozen for bounty hunting in pirate clan because i was clicking to fast its the only way to catch bounties in that game otherwise there gone in a second. There are other ways that the developers can put in place in the game to catch bot users. Putting a refresher into the game that automatically refreshes the page every five minutes if there is no movement on the screen. or moving your mouse.
  18. peregrine77

    peregrine77 New Member

    this is absolutely are going to punish us for playing the game?! you come out with guild wars, which means more bounties and fighting and you don't think we can't click really fast? ridiculous! this was an extremely bad call and needs to be made right
  19. I myself, after either clicking "too fast" or catching a certain number of bounties in a row get asked to solve an easy math problem. Stop clicking, answer correctly and resume...........
  20. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Yes but it has been said with that math question if you keep clicking and you pass that question a couple times before answering it. It will make there systems think your a bot user for not answering the math question.

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