I agree with the money going up in European countries, which Kano should of down more research on as they are now breaking international state statute exchange rate laws, which i was pretty certain they had somebody in LAW to deal with these issues before moving forward, it quotes from the state statue on the exchange of rates between 2 countries, If the amount in a bill of exchange specified is expressed in money or currency of any foreign country, then the amount due, exclusive of the damages payable thereon, must be ascertained and determined by the rate of exchange, or the value of such foreign currency at the time of the demand of payment." Which also express that any transaction between 2 people from different countries must work from the current exchange rate at the time of any transaction. Maybe KANO can get there legal team in to investigate there misdeeds as they are now in effect breaking the trading and currencies of the state statue and international law......the actual exchange rate between the dollar and english pound sterling stands at 1 dollar = 0.67 british pound sterling, so that makes 5 dollars stand at 3.35 british pound sterling whereas your are charging 4.02 british pound sterling..
Last edited: Jan 22, 2015