[ZS] Fight Kill Achievements

Discussion in 'Ideas' started by BiteYourFaceOff, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    10 from me as well, I'd love to see this in VC as well battle kills and axe kills.
  2. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    I obviously can't promise anything, but I appreciate the civil and respectful nature of this discussion, and will mention this idea and it's discussion.
  3. Wicked AMP

    Wicked AMP New Member

    I have to agree points are slim for fighting!!! anyone who adds a fighting game and then complains about being fought against should quit playing. just that simple :p
  4. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    You rated this thread a 10/10
    Rating: 10/10 from 18 users

  5. Eraser

    Eraser Member

    lol, nice bump SS0.

    My 10 is in that 18.
  6. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    looks like someone voted a 1. I guess they're afraid of getting killed more with the new achievement?
  7. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I gave it a 10. I hate when people vote something down just for the sake of doing so. There's probably a good reason why that person is killed.
  8. You rated this thread a 10/10
    Rating: 9.6/10 from 21 users
  9. Well, I am really happy people have voted and considered the subject matter, and that it didn't turn into a slanging match, as alot of threads on here seem to end up like.
    Thankyou everyone for your support and positive input :D
    Let's hope that KANO give it the same level of grown up consideration and discussion, because something definitely needs to be done to equalise the imbalance.
  10. Wonder Bread

    Wonder Bread Active Member

    As mentioned, I brought up this idea with our developers, and what came out of the discussion is that we feel that having too much emphasis on kills will result in driving newer players away from the game, which is why there haven't been kill achievements thus far.

    That being said, I can also see where a lot of you are coming from in this thread, and it looks to me like the concern is also that there are less fighter-based achievements and/or rewards. I will also pass on this sentiment, and see if we can come up with something that works for the fighters without driving new players away. Again, I obviously can't promise anything, but we'll see what we can do.
  11. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    Why not just do away with the whole fighting side of the game all together? ...it seems Kano is far too concerned with trying to get new players to stay in the game than there is to get long term members to stay.
    Out of the 747 existing achievements less than 7% (roughly 6.8% i cant find my calculator lol) are for fighting, which is what the majority of the players play for.

    So yeah new players needed we can't make it too scary for them, here's an idea, instead of zombies we should have lil ponies and fairies, instead of fights we have tea parties with fairies, who ever downs the most tea in a lady like manner wins....but of course we don't people to feel like they've lost....so EVERYONE wins every time :D yay!
  12. Relentless

    Relentless Active Member

    I don't understand how Kano can think fight kills will drive players from the game, yet high levels listing low levels over and over is great game play.

    You can only attack someone 41 times within 24hrs, so at most if you were really lucky, you could AK someone 41 times. Someone with enough money can list another player over 100 times in 24hrs. It doesn't make sense to me.
  13. WOW... I thought this was really gonna happen this time
    what a let down :(

    Ponies and tea parties ROFL ;)
  14. This I fully understand, but...
    As I mentioned earlier, a lot of players have already decided on their build when they enter the game.
    The PVP community is there, this will not change... I truly believe 3 more fight achievements will not scare people away.
    You have a leaderboard for fight kills and punch kills are a recognised stat on every slayers profile.
    I play with awesome slayers every day, and PVP killing is a real skill... it truly needs to be rewarded.

    I really hope you can come up with a workable solution.
    I think you will find it is the PVP slayers and their friends who spend the most time on the game.
    We log in every day, and get GP and we stick around to help our friends. Okay, some of us might not pay to play, but we try to keep the game alive.
    And that's what you want and need, right?
    An alive game with people logging in and getting GP every day.

    But you stipulate, as part of GP that there has to be a fighting element... and as I remember, when I first started, fight exp was always way better than Boss exp....

    3 fight kill achievements... not a lot to ask in a game heavily weighted against PVP.
  15. Bad ass name

    Bad ass name New Member

    This seems to be based solely on the supposition of what new users may or may not want and totally rejects what loyal users want. If loyal users are treated unfairly, as in this case, it is safe to say this could affect new users via word of mouth. There is no doubt that the long term users have a fair amount of influence over new players.

    While I am not a particularly high level, compared to some, I could spend a week recruiting newbies from every add me thread/post/world chat message and warn them of the dangers of getting ahead in the game.

    The further you progress the less Kano seem to care.

    Fighting is an integral part of the game as you progress and it is one that really needs some work. We loyal users are not in the minority with this opinion the developers are.

    If good ideas are going to be rejected based on ifs, buts, and maybes the game may end up losing a lot of decent players.
  16. slave

    slave Member

    can we get a garden of some type in this game?
  17. JADES

    JADES Well-Known Member

    Only if to bury the dead :)
  18. God of Bacon

    God of Bacon Member

    Oh look the devs came out with a new excuse. First it's the fact that you don't want people complaining, but now it's that you don't want people quitting? Give the people something to do. There are plenty of great ideas here that never get accepted, including this one. Maybe if people work up to getting the fight kills achievement they might stick around longer.
  19. Survival Streak 0

    Survival Streak 0 Active Member

    here's another idea for ya

    Limited UN Item:
    Safety bubble
    0 attack
    0 defense
    Special feature when having the bubble equipped people can not attack you and neither can you attack them.

    Will enable people to continue playing the game...fighting zombies (outbreaks) and bosses, you know things that won't attack back.

  20. [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    For those who might not have seen it....
    Still hoping the Devs with 'see the light' on this subject, as it isn't going away :D

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