Update new changes, dont go back to fix something that is not broken. Put the devs on a new city, not an old one!!
I say leave it, if anything introduce "Henchmen" (Similar to "Matey's") and add these characters to it.
How about giving the players an option to change the art in game? Maybe you can charge 5 gf point for change. That way everyone get what they want.
We use our avatars to express ourselves. We seek out new friends and enemies by their avatars. We are recognized by our names and avatars. If you change this then we might as well be playing a machine! Personal avatars is what keeps the game more real and active, creates friends rolling over to real life friends. Much will be lost by this update.
WHY....dont they #ENLARGE.... the AVATARZ we have now... gotta SQUINT just 2 see what they are as it is... besidez this so-called art ...lol GARBAGE...!
The things must remain how they are. I`t like changing the Coca-Cola loock. Just leave how they are now !
As you know, Mob Wars is the only Kano game featuring photos. I have ONE question: Who are the people on the photos? Who is the guy on Vigilante avatar, for example.
i appreciate what the artists do, but i think we should leave the photos that way that they are, the artists can work on other opportunities to create art (such as bosses) besides this.
i like the art, but i like the photos better. sorry, kano artists. i do like the boss artwork, though.
I like the boss art and welcomed the change. The art needs to be more menacing than it currently is and it will be fine in my eyes.
Please keep the photos, the artists can be kept busy working on other things (like more female images in the games!)