[PC] Don't Upset Davy Jones: Inactive Players Are Now Being Hit-Listed

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by mi7ch, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Some inactives have a decent bounty on them so they should be open for all.
  2. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    The highest bounty i have seen on inactive is barely over 100,000 in coins. That is not going to build anyones acct up quickly.
  3. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Now it may be different over in the myspace version on kano play not sure since i don't play that one. But on fb that is about the highest i have seen.
  4. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    We had a 4 trill inactive going up.

    Plenty of trills also going up.
  5. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    Like i said haven't seen them in fb. Maybe myspace since you guys don't have as many active players perhaps.
  6. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Interesting idea Jon. Right now this is open for everyone as you can see. We are continuing to monitor usage and listening to feedback such as your own so more changes could happen in the near future. Stay tuned to this thread for any potential changes.
  7. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Really not fair if davy bounties are locked..

    Some of us have inactive rivals and if davy beats us to listing them we have no way of "sticking it"
  8. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Nothing is being changed, I just said it was an interesting idea.

    How do you have inactive rivals? If they haven't played in over 6 months how have they attacked you in the last 24 hours? Unless you just mean your own personal list of enemies ;)
  9. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    I am going with personal list of enemies. Everyone has them including myself. I see his point. But eventually they do heal again and again. Just takes longer if they are not playing. Which i am sure if kano really wanted they can possibly look into increasing the health activity of inactives and make them heal faster if that is what makes some happy. If they aren't playing anymore what would they care if their character heals quicker.
  10. jamesf

    jamesf New Member

    I have an idea. Since Davey Jones is not happy with those that haven't played in a while, why not add those accounts have been frozen for not following the Kano ToU?
  11. The Protector

    The Protector Banned

    Pretty sure its done that.

    Yes I use to run some(not anymore as Kano can confirm)

    One of them went up(had to of since someone killed it and theyre higher than it ever was)

    Reg player cant list a account perm frozen...

    So must of been davy.
  12. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    Davy's arms are all encompassing. He scrapes even the very depths of his locker where the frozen are sent to wallow for an eternity.
  13. Linda

    Linda Guest

    Top Poster Of Month

    LOL keep those cold arms away from me :p
  14. The Protector

    The Protector Banned


    My poor frozen stairway..oh well.
  15. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Jon ...your killing me here! Its suppose to be a level plying field not a welfare system, the only advantage one is suppose to have is an earned advantage through game play....not the other way around. "locking" someone out be cause theyve excelled in a particular aspect defies sound logic. Why not just make it so when players reach a certain level they are "locked" out of further leveling until everyone else catches up? lol. Ive lost plenty of bounties to players thousands of levels below me....so there is plenty of opportunity for everyone. Do I have better odds if all other things are equal? Of course I do and that exactly the way it should be or whats the point of leveling and getting stronger?
  16. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Interesting? Isnt the idea to make the games more active for everyone and possibly bring some of the more casual players back to more of an active status? Excluding any segment of the player population would be wrong....excluding active players that have excelled in a particular aspect is even worse. Personally I think an update like this would have an adverse affect pushing even more players away from the games
  17. Smack

    Smack Kano Krusader

    I will never use the word "interesting" in relation to an idea ever again ;)

    Upon first glance I thought, "hey that's kinda interesting" but then after I thought it through some more and saw the feedback I am in agreement that this feature should not be restrictive.

    Lesson learned... maybe :cool:
  18. Jon Ward

    Jon Ward Well-Known Member

    The reasoning behind this feature you added was to help others achieve those achievements they are missing. But the logic behind it is they still won't be able to achieve them when you have players that stalk the boards non stop when they are online. And i am one of those guilty players who will stalk the boards. I guess i have no problem of passing the wealth around to up and comers. But some higher levels will always want it to be all about them in the game. Oh well at least no one can i didn't try to help ones who have a hard time.
  19. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    lol...u are a funny man Smack! I still laugh and relay to others here locally your reply to me about Victoria dumping their waste into the straits, it was a classic.

    Im very glad to hear that u feel this feature shouldnt be restrictive...TYVM!
  20. polishpimp

    polishpimp Well-Known Member

    Perhaps I missed something somewhere but I dont remember reading that this feature was designed to help get people their achievements. It will certainly help in that department I would imagine. But if indeed that was the reasoning I cant help but wonder when their gonna role out all the other new features that help players with the other achievements. Perhaps a a low interest loan program so players can borrow coin so they can get their bounties placed achievement. How about lower the XP needed to level....Ive been looking forward to that level 16500 achievement. Maybe unlimited access to abandoned low level accounts and a 6 hr cease fire so everyone can get that 10k survival streak....lol

    Why do these players need help and who cares if there are people stalking the bounty page? Perhaps if they want some bounty achievements they to should stalk the bounty page themselves. Why should anybody have it any easier than anyone else did? Every last single High level player was once a low level player themselves ...some of us more than once. Back in the day when there was far less other features than there is now it was even more difficult to catch a bounty because there was far more players and far less to do so more attention was focused on bounties.

    If u wanna "spread the wealth" then spread YOUR wealth ....not mine. Ive worked my ass off to get where I am and I see no reason what so ever that anyone should have to do any less. This is a game not a democracy and we dont need a welfare system. If u want to give them a better chance than quit stalking the bounty page yourself...that would be your choice and not impede my game. So as long as you continue to stalk the bounty page and and believe what you just posted here.....I can definitely say you "didn't try to help ones who have a hard time"

    I prefer to help by giving solid advice and by trying to make these games fair for everyone despite their level. Simply because someone is a high level or has excelled at a particular aspect does not mean they should give up more. They are already burdened by limits and lack of new content. To strangle the higher levels is to tell all other players to not even bother playing these games because it only gets worse not better....wheres their motivation?

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